Our Destiny Has Arrived (at least at the library)
What's Destiny? Destiny is the name of the new program that runs our OPAC. OPAC is the Online Public Access Catalog. You've used it before to find books. When you log into Destiny, you can also view your status -- overdues, holds, etc. create holds make recommendations make lists and more
Where's Destiny? The best browser for Destiny is Firefox. (It will work in Internet Explorer and Chrome, but it seems to like Firefox best.)
Where's Destiny? Three ways to find your way: Google library WMS wiki -- choose any of the pages from our library wiki and go Home (in the sidebar on the left). Choose OPAC. Go to and choose OPAC. Go to destiny.wsdit.org.destiny.wsdit.org
Welcome Guests -- Search the catalog only Create an account -- Access more tools
Enter your last name and barcode. (Get your barcode from the library) Use your school login to create your username and password. (You don't need an address as that feature doesn't work.) Be sure your screen looks like the one below, with Watertown Middle School in the upper left.
Logged in, you have more options to choose from:
You can recommend titles to others. You can hold titles for yourself. You can recommend titles to others who have created an account. Remember that these are moderated -- someone else will read and approve them. If a book that you want is checked out, you can hold it. When it comes back, you'll find out.
You can see all your personal information.
You can save and edit your personal lists. Teachers can create public lists to share with everyone.
Explore Destiny Quest View everything you can see in basic Destiny with more bells and whistles. See the top 10 View public lists Check on new arrivals Recommend and hold books Make friends to share your reading tastes.
For Teachers Only
Access Levels Teachers have the same access to the Catalog and to My Info that students do. In addition, teachers have access to Circulation and Report tabs. Different access levels have rights to different functions.
Circulation Tab Search for patrons with the patron status bar at the left. See what students have out. See when materials are due.
Circulation Tab Search for books with the copy status bar at the left. See if a book is checked out. See when it is due. See who has it.
The Reports Tab Build a report for your advisory overdues. Reading teachers can also build a report that includes all of their students. The following slides will walk you through the process. You'll only have to set this up once. After that, your report will be the only one you see on the reports tab.
Go to the reports tab and choose Current Checkouts/Fines.
Choose the Reports tab. At the bottom of the 1. Format page, choose continue.
On the page that says 2. Limit, choose continue again.
On 3. Details, choose to sort by homeroom and then put your name in both boxes. Hit save setup at the bottom.
Give it a name and save setup again.
Click on the heart next your advisory's name. Now it's your favorite.
Now, when your choose Reports, your favorite will be front and center.
Now you can check your overdues whenever you like. You can also check on individual students with the patron tab. (One hint: If the report is slow to complete, click refresh list at the top or bottom and the view button should appear.) Please let us know if you have any problems or if you'd like help setting up your report. We'd be happy to help. Have fun!!