Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DEFENCE STANDARDIZATION REGISTRY Defence standardization experts course Kyiv, September 7 – 9, 2015 Milan Heršálek
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department Structure of DSS Section Head of Section CDS development + Fin. support (4*) IT (1) DS Registry (2) Terminology (1) * Number of posts 2
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department MINISTRY Security relation in CZE CIVIL AREA CZECH GOVERNMENT NSA MILITARY AREA MINISTRY MoD Military security department (CZE MoD) DS REGISTRY DSCGQAA 3
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY General Situation NATO security requirements - CZE System Location of DS Registry is in the DSD area Local security requirements (CCD camera, technical security equipment, …) Security requirements for personnel (certified up to level „NS“- NATO SECRET) (civilian body - National Security Authority) System of work (with high level of administration security) 4
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY – Main Tasks Document Management Area Registration of delivered NATO standardization documents (SDs) (hardcopy or pdf files, doc) Filing of all NATO SDs (STANAGs, APs, STANRECs, WGs or WPs) Distribution of all NATO SDs Archiving NATO SDs (terms) CDSs library (drafts, valid editions, archive) 5
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY – Main Tasks Main Sources of Information Intranet MoD from Brussels (CZ representatives in Brussels) Hardcopy (CD,DVD) from Brussels through CZE Main Registry of NATO documents NSO protected web sites ( CZE delegates in WG NATO Exchange between NATO members All SD in CZE must be registered by DS Registry !!! 6
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY – Main Tasks Distribution of NATO SDs - facts Property of NATO Distribution is only made in official NATO languages Translation of NATO SD (Czech version) is only auxiliary document 7
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY – Main Tasks Distribution of NATO SDs within MoD According to distribution list (according to area of responsibility in terms of defence standardization) Upon request (units + troops of the armed forces, parts of MoD) 8
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY – Main Tasks Distribution of NATO SDs outside MoD Ministry and governmental offices Companies from Czech Republic (need to know, copy of licence of trade with performance (not older than 3 months, request with sign responsible person from company) Approval of National Security Authority in case of classified NATO SDs (NR,NC,NS) 9
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY – Main Tasks Announcement Area Monthly in the Bulletin of MoD Monthly in the Bulletin UNMZ ÚNMZ - civilian Czech office for standards, metrology and testing (Ministry of Trade and Industry) 10
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY – Main Tasks Announcement Area Content of published information (Bulletin MO + Bulletin ÚNMZ) on NATO SDs Publication of new SDs edition Publication of new amendments of SDs changes Cancellation of SDs validity SDs ratification SDs Implementation Publication CDSs 11
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY – Main Tasks Announcement Area - IT DB of IS STAN - daily (MoD area) Websites of DSD - Intranet - biweekly export (SW, DB ISSTAN) Websites of DSD - Internet - biweekly export (SW, DB IS STAN) 12
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department DS REGISTRY – Main Tasks Filling + Archiving of NATO SDs Basic rules DS Registry contains only valid NATO SDs After cancellation NATO SDs : 5 years in archive DS Registry 15 years in Central record office of MoD 13
Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority Defence Standardization Department Thank you for your attention. Questions, comments? 14