National Capital Region Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Update Presented by Madison Wagner WRTC October 29, 2015
Background Current inventory measures status of 2012 goal Desired outcome: 10% below business-as-usual levels by 2012 Goal: to create a standardized regional approach to tracking GHG emissions Continues NVRC work Updates COG 2008 Climate Change Report 2WRTC 10/29/15 loads/pub- documents/zldXXg pdf National Capital Region Climate Change Report 2008
Tasks Define a consistent methodology for collecting/analyzing 2012 GHG inventory data – ICLEI Community Protocol – Use same methodology to back-cast 2005 inventory Calculate the region’s 2005 and 2012 emissions using the ICLEI ClearPath tool – Replaces ICLEI beta spreadsheet tool Break out 2005 and 2012 inventories by locality Upload regional GHG inventory to the international Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) reporting platform 3WRTC 10/29/15
Methodology 4WRTC 10/29/15 Data collected and analyzed by COG staff – Regional WW/DW demographic data (Round 8.3 projections) – WWTP nitrogen load and concentration data Data collected from regional DW/WW treatment and pumping facilities
Regional Data Indicator Percent Change Population4,738,9005,261, % Households1,879,0162,010, % Employment2,693,4012,789, % Electricity Use 58,924,515,193 kWh 60,175,521,843 kWh +2.1% Stationary Fuel Use 471,798,890 gallons 319,917,118 gallons -32.2% Natural Gas Use 1,589,317,362 therms 1,453,056,576 therms -8.6% Annual VMT 41,833,286,780 miles 43,945,174,893 miles +4.8% 5WRTC 10/29/15
Results National Capital Region Greenhouse Gas Emissions (metric tons CO 2 equivalent) Percent Change NCR MT CO 2 e 69,171,42268,857, % NCR Population 4,738,9005,261, % NCR MT CO 2 e per Capita % 6WRTC 10/29/15
Water-Related Emissions Emissions associated with DW/WW treatment and pumping are included in overall electricity and natural gas emissions – Uncertainty in sector breakdown Nitrogen and methane emissions from WWTPs – Calculated separately – Includes industrial and domestic wastewater emissions 7WRTC 10/29/15
Emissions by Activity [Ref. detailed Inventory Table] 2005: 69,171,422 MT CO 2 e 2012: 68,857,146 MT CO 2 e 8WRTC 10/29/15
Electricity NCR Electricity Use (in kWh) Source Percent Change Residential Electricity 19,734,181,996 20,083,333, % Commercial Electricity 34,724,253,637 33,677,438, % Industrial Electricity 4,466,079,560 6,414,750, % Total 58,924,515,19360,175,521, % 9WRTC 10/29/15 WW & DW % of gross electrical use not defined yet; Part of Comm. or Industrial? – TBD
Findings The National Capital Region met its first target Electricity generation factors and stationary fuel combustion switches were the primary contributors to the region’s meeting the 2012 target Passenger vehicles and commercial electricity will be important reduction targets for future 10WRTC 10/29/15
Next Steps Determine electricity use in DW/WW sector – Break out from general electricity use – Request data from local utilities to determine commercial vs. industrial classification – Consider calculating DW/WW sector emissions from national figures Identify additional opportunities for efficiency improvements, renewable energy production – ex. DC Water’s Digester; combined heat & power; green buildings; green fleets – Nitrogen-removal emissions tradeoff – Determine if/what sort of stormwater efficiencies might be quantifiable Identify opportunities to address conservation vs. cost recovery concerns – MSWG strategies [Ref. A. Campbell’s presentation & request for WRTC input on Water Sector items] 11WRTC 10/29/15
Madison Wagner Climate and Energy Intern Department of Environmental Programs 12WRTC 10/29/15