Design of a Rotational Stability Measurement Device Kara Wagner Stephanie Bechtold Katie Dillon, Mentor: Thore Zantop, M.D. Individual Project Update February 15, 2005
Recap Development of a rotational measurement device for axial movement of the knee. Determine best ACL reconstruction method Single vs. double bundle Apply clinically to determine success level of reconstructions.
Goals Fabricate prototype for accurate rotational measurements. Validate prototype Determine best NOB sensor placement Create a set of baseline data Create leg immobilization device, which can be set at various knee flexion angles.
Completed to Date Measurement device prototype
Completed to Date Corresponding Matlab code Torque and Rotational Displacement output Optimal Sensor Placement Determined Distal Femur Proximal Tibia Leg rest prototype
Area of Personal Focus Design and build an ergonomic leg rest Lateral Decubitus Position difficult for patient/doctor Immobilizes the upper leg Prevents hip joint movement Allows for adjustment of knee flexion angle (30, 45, 60, 90 degrees)
Leg Rest Prototype
Leg Rest Prototype II Lower leg needs to be friction free Adjustable wedged leg rest placed under the upper leg Lower leg remains at horizontal
Work to be done Test and optimize leg rest/boot prototype Obtain International Review Board Approval (IRB) to begin human testing Redesign boot prototype for clinical use. Inclinometer/Tilt Meter Potentiometer Digital Measurement readout on boot Hand held torque bar Shorter Boot