Outcomes Provide information to administrators to assist in the successful planning & administration of the EXPLORE. Review accommodations for EXPLORE testing. Review procedures for submitting score sheets.
What is the EXPLORE? Serves as the entry measure of academic progress toward college and career readiness when used with PLAN (Grade 10) and the ACT (Grade 11). Curriculum-based achievement test that measures college readiness and assesses academic progress. English -13 Math - 17 Reading - 15 Science - 20 Non-cognitive section provides vital planning information Career Interest Inventory and educational/career plans collected. Needs Assessment Students indicate areas in which they need help Demographic Information
Target Students All 8 th grade students (Except for students on the EXTEND1 assessment) Accommodations do not need to be approved prior to testing
NHCS will Implement a 2 Day Administration Non-cognitive student information components of the test are administered on Day 1 (Between October 1 and October 9). Academic tests administered on Day 2
EXPLORE Details Non cognitive student information min College readiness perception Career interests Cognitive section English - 40 questions - (30 min) Math - 30 questions - (30 min) Break (10 minutes) Reading - 30 questions - (30 min) Science - 28 questions - (30 min)
Materials Received Supervisor’s Manual “Why Take EXPLORE” handouts English and Spanish Testing Department will send parent letter “Instructions for Completing Your Answer Folder” Test booklets Answer folders School headers Return envelopes School poster
Test Administrator Training Before testing - Standard procedures (p. 6) Inform parents. Distribute copies of Why Take EXPLORE? to students Train test administrators (MUST be certified staff) Provide accommodations for those with IEP, 504, LEP (page 14-15) Notify Testing the number of additional Supervisor’s Manuals needed by October 2 Train Proctors p.4 (NC State Testing Requires proctors in each session) Plan room assignments (3 ft rule) Secure test materials Student - Test booklet (paper and pencil), # 2 pencil w/eraser, scratch paper, calculator Teacher - Door sign, absentee form Identify local codes (page 12 Block M on answer document)
Before Testing: Pre ID Bar Code Labels Pre ID labels saves administration time and ensures accuracy Apply to page 1 of the answer folder prior to test day. Pre-ID labels will be shipped separately from test materials. Make certain pre-ID barcode label corresponds to correct student (e.g., double-check labels for twins, students with the same/similar first and last names).
EXPLORE - During Testing During testing - Standard procedures Time for testing Display door sign. Testing accommodations must be provided. Generate a plan for emergencies. Develop a plan for make-up testing on October 11 and 12. Components needed for EXPLORE Certified Test Administrator Proctor Irregularities – Contact Testing Office
EXPLORE Schedule After Testing Plan for Makeups to be completed by October 16. Mark Accommodations codes (p 40). Complete School Header (p 40). Materials must be shipped by October 16. Pack student answer sheets and header per instructions (p44) Schools ship directly to ACT. UPS Store used student test booklets and use with students/parents once scores arrive. Estimated arrival time – December Return Test Supervisor manual, unused test booklets and unused answer documents to the Testing Office on October 18 th.
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