British Literature March 16, 2015
Book Checkout for A Tale of Two Cities Due to PARCC make-up testing, we may not check out books from the library, however I want to give you the opportunity to read ahead so we will do a paper checkout until we can go to the library. Write your name IN PENCIL on the inside cover of the book and write your name and bar code on the sign out sheet. Pick up a Reading Schedule bookmark! Annotation Options Audiobook Availability
French Revolution Documentary As we watch the History Channel’s documentary on the French Revolution, complete your organizer to record information. We want to know how the historical context of the French revolution influences our novel. Answer the questions on the worksheet to explore the who/what/where/when/why of the French Revolution.
Homework Chapters 1-4 of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities is due on Thursday. Complete your annotations or modified dialectical or records journal format. Do what works best for you!