Summary and Learning from conference room 2 . Summary and Learning from conference room 2 By Archana Narain
TOPICS Approaches to Pedagogy By Dr. Diana Sukhram Redefining Academic Leaders - Towards Social Leadership in Schools By Dr. Yugti Sharma Contextualising and Sustaining the Practice of PLC’s in Indian Context By Ms. Ashraf Vishram-Noorani Role of a Teacher Inside and Outside the Classroom By Mrs. Nidhi Arora
GROUP Discussions Role of a Teacher Inside and Outside the Classroom Empowering Teachers Responsibility and Accountability Academic Leadership
Increased focus on teaching - learning
pedagogical Approaches and strategies
pedagogical Approaches and strategies Differentiated Instruction Open Ended Instruction Group Instruction Cooperative Learning Experiential Learning Discovery Learning Inter-Disciplinary Learning Peer Teaching Case Based Learning Enquiry Based Learning
redefining academic leaders
redefining academic leaders Changing Thinking on Leadership Great Leaders Formal Leadership Leadership Styles Leading Learning Communities Attributes and Qualities of a Leader Passionate Sensitive Compassionate and Empathetic Creative Innovative Honest and Fair Good Communicator Listener
professional learning communities
professional learning communities Schools can be made more Effective Teacher Empowerment - Key to School Improvement School Improvement - Impact Teaching and Learning
collaborative and collective planning
“ Separated by their classrooms and packed schedules, Teachers rarely work or talk together.
change your school’s culture
change Your school’s culture Promote your Mission, Vision, Values and Goals Bring Your Staff Together and Find Best Practices Sustain Culture through Communication Persist Confront Problems
Role of a teacher inside and outside the classroom
role of a teacher inside and outside the classroom Role Model Understanding the Need of Students Teacher-Student Connect Building Trust Innovative Creative Enthusiastic Highly Motivated
“ It is What Teachers Think, What Teachers Do, and What Teachers Are at the Level of the Classroom that ultimately shapes the kind of Learning Students Receive.
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