LEADERSHIP Chapter 9 Lecture/Recap
Theories **UPDATED** Trait Leadership – “look like leaders” (p. 267) and acts like a leader (possesses certain traits) Role of physical appearance Is this problematic? Note: I added the portion in red to clear up any possible confusion. We highlighted the “look” aspect because of the example in class. But remember, trait leadership includes physical and social attributes. Don’t forget, my slides don’t summarize the chapter but highlight key points we use as discussion points in class” Leadership Styles Autocratic Democratic Laissez-Faire Michael from The Office? The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid (p. 270) Concern for people (low to high) and Concern for production (low to high) High/High (9/9) – Team Management
Theories Situational Leadership “…the appropriate behavior in any situation [is] more a matter of reading and responding to contingencies than [it] is a fixed condition of traits and styles” (p. 271). Transformational Leadership Leader = change agent; guides organization through transformation Important considering changing, global environment Role of empowerment and technologies (strategic use) Discursive Leadership Concerned heavily with how ‘communication can impact collective action’ (p. 296) Construction of meaning and meaning-laden objects
Leadership Habits Habits of mind Exact same characteristics < frame of mind/”uniquely expansive mindset” (p. 276) Habits of character Importance of humility Servant leadership (e.g. valuing others, empowering others, being consistent, being accessible) Habits of authentic communicative performance Authentic communication: “relating to others in a way that reflects their own deeply held values and beliefs” Ex: visionary, lead by example, inspire others, clear communicator (give directions and listen)
Role of Communication? Positive Open Supportive Motivating Empowering Verbal, nonverbal, and listening Negative Bullying Harassment
TYPE OF LEADER? Miranda: The Devil Wears Prada
ACT #4 (last individual ACT; Group Case study = final ACT) 1 to 1.5 page, typed, double spaced (review syllabus for correct format) Respond to one of the following: OPTION 1: Discuss an example of effective or ineffective leadership (from your own experiences or in the world—so this could be a leader within a current/past organization or a world leader, for example). Analyze this person’s use of leadership using what you’ve learned throughout the chapter. OPTION 2: Explain how you would like to operate as a leader. Pull from the chapter readings to help explain the type of leader you strive to be (currently or in the future) and why. OPTION 3: Choose one of the perspectives on leadership and explain why you agree or disagree with that view. You must factor in examples and information from the readings. (Due 10/27)