Welcome to Second Grade!!!
Welcome to Second Grade! If you have any questions during the presentation, please write them on an index card and I will respond through .
Goals To give your child the academic and social skills he or she need to progress to 3 rd grade. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To inspire your child to be creative, make connections, build character, and establish community. To nurture fluent and comprehensive readers and life-long learners.
Class Subjects The subjects we cover during second grade are: Balanced Literacy ( reading, writing, word work and grammar ) Math Science Social Studies
Balanced Literacy
Independent Reading Aug. /Sept.Nov./Dec.Feb./Mar.May/June I /JJ/KK/LM/N The Cornelius expectations is that students are self selecting and reading text that are at their independent levels. Students should be working to build a stamina of 30 minutes.
Writing 3 Strands of Writing Opinion Narrative Informative Conventions & Grammar Capitalization Punctuation Spelling Sentence Structure
Words Their Way This part focuses on learning about decoding and the structural elements of words. Vocabulary (Tier 2 words) Each student has his/her own level of words based on the results from the Primary Spelling Inventory. Students will practice word sorts throughout the week.
Reading Workshop Mini Lesson Active Involvement Independent Reading Partner Reading Written Responses
Fluency What is fluency? Fluency is not only how fast and how accurate we read, but it is our ability to READ with EXPRESSION as well. DIBELS NEXT measures for speed and comprehension through reading passages and the retell of each passage. Vocabulary is also an important part of fluency. With a strong vocabulary, students are able to read more fluently.
Math These mini lessons are done whole group. Students will have an independent activity to show understanding of each concept. Fact fluency Workshop
Math Workshop There are different types of workshop centers in our classroom to allow students to practice new math skills: Guided Practice Center Independent Practice Centers – include games, word problems, and activities using math manipulatives, etc.
Math Overview We are teaching STRATEGIES, not ALGORITHMS. Students must ALWAYS show their work and double-check their answers. Not only will points be awarded for the correct answer, but points are given for justification and explanation of HOW they came up with the correct answer. Retell, Represent, Reason
Math (cont.) Major Concepts: Place Value up to 1,000 Addition and subtraction fluency Word problems Measurement Time and Money Organization of data (graphing) Fractions Geometry Foundations for Multiplication
Science Science Process Skills Forces and Motion Matter Earth Systems Living Organisms
Social Studies History Geography Financial Literacy Civics and Governance Culture
The “Big 3” Be Respectful Be Responsible Be an Active Learner
Behavior Management Our school is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our classroom behavior system is based on The “Big 3”. Students are held responsible for their actions. Please refer to Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook for complete set of rules. Please refer to behavior plan sent out by your child’s teacher at the beginning of the year.
Homework Reading Each night students should read at least 15 minutes. They should read a book from our classroom library, library books, or any other books from your home. Reading Log Please sign the planners each night! Math Students will have a variety of math problems each night.
Any questions Hand me your cards or ask any questions you have.
Let’s Have a Great Year!