Chapter 18: Presentation of Information (Unit 3 – Marketing)
What you will learn: Different ways of presenting data gathered Analyse and interpret research data shown in different formats Draw simple conclusions from data
Types of Presentations Table/ Tally chart Bar Chart Pie Chart Line Graph Pictogram
Table/ Tally chart Data in original form Raw data Brief data Sufficient In order
Bar Chart Eye-catching Easily understood Information can be seen in a more meaningful way
Pictogram Shows data in similar ways Uses symbol for the item A key must be included Effective if data is simple Not usually used if: -D-Data is a lot -O-Odd numbers
Pie Chart Use to show proportion of the total figure Each slide represents particular component’s contribution
Line Graph Shows relations between two variables Can be drawn as a straight line or a curve line
Alternative ways of presenting Tables: useful when interviewing Photographs: attractive, supports what you are saying Maps: presents information, shows location Diagrams: simplify information