Occupations Related to job Work For example: teacher, doctor
Accountant One who keeps and examines business accounts Author One who writes books Baker One who makes and sells bread
Barber One who shaves and cuts the hair of customers Cashier One who receives and pays out money in a bank Chef A head male/female cook in a hotel, restaurant, etc.
Dentist One who attends to people’s teeth Engineer One who plans and build roads, bridges, machines, etc Fishmonger One who sells fish
Florist One who sells flower Geologist One who studies rocks and soils Lawyer One who gives advice in matters of law
Librarian One who is in charge of a library Nurse One who looks after sick or injured people in a hospital Photographer One who takes pictures with a camera
Postman One who delivers letters Scientist One who knows much about one or more of the natural sciences Tailor One who cuts and makes clothes
Violinist One who plays on the violin Waiter One who serves at tables in a restaurant
Quiz for Occupations
Slide A CashierLawyerNurseWaiter
Slide B AccountantDentistFloristLibrarian
Slide C EngineerFishmongerTailorViolinist
Slide D BakerChefPostmanScientist
Slide E AuthorBarberGeologistPhotographer