Information about position
Janitior All restrooms have to be clean If there's complaints you will get written up. Work hours are a little bit longer than workers 5:30 a.m.- 11:p.m. You will get paid around $6.20 an hour it will go up
Assistant manager Help out with customers. If manager is not present will fill in. Work hours are the same just when they start and close. Mandatory weekend working. About $12.00 an hour but will rise.
Manager In charge of the place. Deals with complaint and meets with staff. You will have your own office has to be clean in case of any job interviews. Work hours are when they open and close.managers gets weekends of but asst. mangers are there. $15.25 an hour
Cashier Will help and greet customers. Put most stuff away back on shelf Help with customized shoes. Work hours are :open till closed. $8.00 an hour