ABC’S of Psychology Create a book, PowerPoint, or Photo story of Psychology terminology You may use information from any unit we have studied Each page or slide must be titled with a letter Include a cover page or title slide Each page must include the word, definition, and an illustration and must be colorful. Due Sunday, December 13 by 11:59 pm.
Grading Each page or slide is worth 3 points 78 total points 78 total points The Title page or slide is worth 10 points Time on-task each day is worth 6 points 12 total points 12 total points If you are creating a Powerpoint, you must show your teacher a rough draft of your slides (letter, word, and definition)
Due Dates The project is due at the beginning of class on Monday, 12/14 Projects turned in by 2:45 on Monday will have an 11 point deduction Projects turned in on Tuesday will have a 25 point deduction Projects turned in on Wednesday will have a 50 point deduction No projects will be accepted after Wednesday at 2:45!!!
EXAMPLE EXAMPLE Amnesia Amnesia Loss of memory