INLAND (AREA) PLANS Area plans continue to be utilized as refinements to the Monterey County General Plan. Current area plans be used as the base documents for the general plan update and that they be updated in light of the Board’s direction on general plan issues. The work done by various citizens’ advisory committees during the preparation of past iterations of GPU be considered in the update of the area plans.
COASTAL (LAND USE) PLANS Defer update of the Coastal Land Use Plans until completion of the General Plan Update.
ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES (APFS) means the public facilities and services required to serve the new development to support new development so that new development does not adversely impact reduce current service or safety levels below established minimum standards.
CONCURRENCY Subdivisions means that prior to recording the parcel map or final map that: All direct on-site and direct off-site APFS public facility and public service improvements to serve the development and feasibly mitigate its impact on existing public facilities and services exist, are constructed, assured or otherwise secured in a subdivision improvement agreement; and, the fairshare contributions to feasibly mitigate indirect off-site APFS public facility and public service impacts have been made, or are assured or are otherwise secured in a subdivision improvement agreement. Other Development means that prior to the issuance of any building permits that: all direct on-site and direct off-site APFS public facility and public service improvements to serve the development and feasibly mitigate its impact on existing public facilities and services exist or are assured to be completed have been completed to the extent that their completion is assured prior to occupancy of any portion of the development; and, the fairshare contributions to feasibly mitigate indirect off-site APFS public facility and public service impacts have been made, or are assured or are otherwise secured.
APFS IMPROVEMENTS Direct On-Site means the improvements on the development site necessary to fully serve the development and feasibly mitigate the on site impacts of the development. Direct Off-Site means the improvements off the development site necessary to fully serve the development and feasibly mitigate the off site impacts of the development. Indirect Off-Site improvements means the public service and facility improvements needed off the project site to feasibly mitigate the off site incremental impacts of the development.
FAIR SHARE means the contribution a new development is required to pay for indirect off-site APFS improvement proportionate to its impact on the APFS public facilities and services without assessment for existing APFS deficiencies.
ENCOURAGE means to generally endorse, or facilitate achievement. Encourage does not mean to require or mandate. Means of encouragement include education and positive incentives.
LONG-TERM WATER SUPPLY means the available supply of water that can be extracted from a basin or hydrogeologic sub-area to service the existing and projected development in that basin or hydrogeologic sub- area for a twenty year period without degrading water quality, damaging the economical extraction of water, or causing significant unavoidable adverse environmental impacts.