Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 3rd Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is for students to learn the names and locations of the four cardinal directions (North, South, East and West) on the compass rose, understanding their purpose as labels that provide a fixed point of reference for any map or globe. Learning Objective: Given a picture of a compass rose, students will be able to label the four cardinal directions with 100% accuracy. State/District, Common Core 3.3 Use cardinal directions, map scales, legends, titles, and longitude and latitude to locate major cities and countries in the world. ISTE Standard 3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
North,South,East, and West are the main directions, or cardinal directions.
How do you use a compass rose? A compass rose is a small drawing on a map that can help you find directions. Cardinal directions are sometimes written as N, S, E, and W.
What are intermediate directions? Notice the spikes between the cardinal directions on the compass rose. These show the intermediate directions, or in-between directions. The intermediate directions are northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest. Click on the link below to listen and sing - a - long to the Cardinal Direction Song ! This song will help you remember the cardinal directions. Once you have watched the full video, close the tab and return to the PowerPoint.
An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. In the song they gave different acronyms to help you remember the cardinal directions better. For example: N-ever E-at S-oggy W-orms Turn to your partner and create some acronyms of your own. After you have created two acronyms, continue to the next slide.
What direction is pointing toward the ? ? Click on the correct direction. North East South West
CORRECT! East is the direction on the right.
What direction is pointing toward the ? Click on the correct direction. North East South West ?
CORRECT!! South is the direction at the bottom.
What direction is pointing toward the ? Click on the correct direction. North South East West ?
CORRECT! North is the direction at the top.
What direction is pointing toward the ? Click on the correct direction. North South East West ?
CORRECT! West is the direction on the left.
Conclusion You have learned the names of the four cardinal directions: North, South, East and West and how to identify the positions of the cardinal directions on the compass rose. Now that you know the four cardinal directions, Click on the link below to do the Compass Slide!