Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company Daniel Elliott /Head of IT-Department Cecilia Boreson /Advisor Media Literacy
The UR charter UR’s charter is formulated by the Swedish Parliament and Swedish Government and determines broadcasting licenses and budget regulations Pre-schools, primary and secondary schools, universities and adult education To strengthen, broaden and supplement Focus on educational programs Serve functionally impaired, linguistic and ethnic minorities
Types of learning resources and platforms TV Radio Webb Rum för berättande >>>> UR Games for children >>>> URsmart >>>> UR themes >>>>
Connecting to curriculum Situation Analysis Research
Our policies and strategies Copyrights issues Standards and interoperability Distribution
Standards and interoperability History: Windows media Flash has greater extent and broader support for embedding and creating interactive multimedia applications. Metadata challenge: we have an metadata export based on IMS LOM, but new technologies and solutions demand new formats and methods for exchanging metadata. We believe in web 2.0 as technology to obtain interoperability and Web services for enabling cooperation with other platforms >> >>
PS Broadcast and learning resources? Teachers wants to build their own content, create their own material, combining content from different producers? Implementing user generated metadata? Analyzing the usage - popular functions, statistics, evaluation…
Development and strategy Encouraging teachers knowledge sharing Provide opportunity for the users to comment, to package and rate our programs. Linking to reviews and evaluations. Ethics, screening and clearing (Rum för berättande) We see the potential of networking Involving commercial publishers / associated agreements- Not at the present moment, possibilities are there through our strategies with the municipalities/agreements /closed networks
Thank you!
Policies and strategies Quality criteria and assurance Rights protection and management Standards and interoperability Development and harmonisation/mapping of application profiles Types of learning resources Involving commercial publishers and associated agreements Encouraging teachers' knowledge sharing Linking to reviews and evaluations Connecting to curriculum Ethics, screening and clearing, and Web-services bridging to other portals and local learning platforms.
Rights issues Mediecentraler Målgrupper Policies and strategies - Slutna nätverk målgruppsbaserade, metadata sab klasser. Catch up tv på webben 6 månader i samband med sändning och marknadsföring Vi har UR Copyswede avtalet med normalavtalet, Utbildningsanordnare Flod, SLI, Folkbildningskanalen, Navicast
Distribution Our strategy “Learn wherever you are” “Learn wherever you are” Through: Broadcasting Media Centres (about 90% of all schools are affiliated) Libraries UR’s Customer Service 74% of teachers in primary and secondary schools use UR programmes (services)
MEDIACENTRAL HOME SCHOOL Programfiles UR User frequency Metadata Search & booking
Punkt 1 –Punkt a
Huvudrubrik Underrubrik Punkt 1 –Punkt a
our educational repository strategies. Where are the learning resources and where are the users? develop and document strategies, experiences, practices, solutions, advice, procedures etc. on the organisation, structuring and functionality of repositories.
Web-services bridging to other portals and local learning platforms… Distribution strategy: Streaming “UR-access” Mediacenters (municipal)