Blood Glucose Sensor System -Yashwanth Prakash
Application Establish a wireless communication link between an implantable glucose-sensor and a phone/computer for emergency/records purposes.
Motivation/Problem Definition Extreme cases of blood glucose level – Hyperglycemia (>110 mg/dl) – Hypoglycemia (<70 mg/dl) Sudden fluctuations of glucose level – Unconsciousness, Permanent organ failure, Paralysis – Fatality within few minutes Patient not able to react to the warning message by the glucose sensor monitor.
Design Sensor Human interface Tx Rx DTMF PC Phone
Conclusion Very useful system for saving lives. Simple and easy to implement with the existing technology.
Future work Can be extended to mobile phones to make it more flexible. Computers can be made to communicate (via internet) with the doctor’s database for records purpose and remote consulting.
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