Overview of Presentation CHS Policies and Procedures Graduation Requirements Promotion Requirements Testing Information Grading Scale and Weighted Quality Points How to help your student be an involved, academically successful Imp
About THE Cary High School First public school in NC Campus Size 2413 students enrolled 193 staff
CHS Procedures Calendar Early Release Block Schedule SMART Lunch Off-campus lunch passes Opportunities Attendance Absence procedures Excused/Unexcused absences College visits Tardy program
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Total of 26 credits required Core academic and elective credits
Math – 4 Credits Math I, Math II, and Math III 4 th Math Course to be aligned with the student's post high school plans AP Statistics, AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC
English – 4 Credits English I, II, III, & IV AP English III is offered in 11 th grade AP English IV is offered in 12 th grade
Science – 3 Credits Biology Earth/Environmental Science Physical Science (Physical Science, Chemistry or Physics) AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental, AP Physics
Social Studies – 4 Credits World History American History I American History II Civics and Economics AP European, AP Human Geography, AP Psychology, AP US History, AP US Government, AP World History
Health and Physical Education – 1 Credit Health and PE is the required course for graduation Pre-requisite for all other PE courses
Electives – 6 Credits Elective Credit – Any course that is not otherwise listed as a required course Two elective credits of any combination from either Career and Technical Education, Arts Education or Second Languages. Four elective credits strongly recommended from one of the following: Career and Technical Education, Arts Education or any other subject area (Math, Science, Social Studies, English.)
World Languages French, German, Latin, and Spanish Not required for graduation, but required for admission to the UNC system World Language is generally not recommended for 9 th graders unless they started a world language in the 8 th grade or scored a level 4 on their 8 th grade EOG Two credits must be in the same language Levels III and IV are only offered at the honors level AP French, AP Spanish, and AP Latin
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Students are encouraged to use four elective credits to concentrate in an area of interest. To qualify as a CTE Cluster Completer for graduation, students must earn four credits within one of the career clusters. We offer certification exams in the following areas: Adobe, Certiport, Comptia A+, ServSafe, NCEER, Lead Teacher Certification, and new ones each year.
Arts Education Instrumental Music (marching and concert bands, orchestra, and guitar) Theatre Arts Visual Arts Vocal Music Beginning, Intermediate, Proficient, and Advanced levels in all areas Students are strongly encouraged to explore areas of interest, not required for graduation
Dual Enrollment Options Typically taken by 11 th and 12 th graders in addition to current classes and/or during the summer. Wake Tech NCSU NCVPS Other online providers Schedule an appointment with your student’s counselor for more detailed information.
Promotion Requirements High school students shall be promoted by attaining credits that are earned through successful completion of specific required courses as illustrated in the following Note: The appropriate English credit is required for promotion each year. From GradePromotion CriteriaCredits 9English I,2 credits from the areas of math, science, or social studies, and 3 additional credits 6 10English II, 1 credit in math, 1 credit in science, 1 credit in social studies, and 2 additional credits 12 11English III and enrollment in a program which, if successfully accomplished, will result in the completion of graduation requirements 18
Final Exams Testing Windows: Fall Semester: January Spring Semester: June 3-9 Test day attendance End of Course (EOC) tests are required for: Math I Biology English II EOC’s count as 25% of the final course grade Post-Assessments are the state-mandated final exams for CTE courses and count as 20% of the final grade Teacher-made final exams count as 20% of the student’s final grade
Other Testing PSAT Wednesday, October 14 All 10 th graders are automatically registered 9 th and 11 th graders may register and pay $15 Thursday, September 24 is the last day to register PLAN Wednesday, October 21 All 10 th graders are automatically registered
Other Testing ACT Tuesday, March 1 All 11 th graders are automatically registered 12 th graders register and pay $56.50 through actstudent.org for other test dates SAT Redesigned test begins March 2016 More information about the redesigned test can be found at collegeboard.org Register and pay $54.50 through collegeboard.org ASVAB Tuesday, September th and 12 th graders may sign-up in Student Services Free for CHS students
What is the grading scale? In accordance with NCDPI and WCPSS policies, the grading scale below is reflected on all progress reports for all instructional programs: A= B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=Less than 60 Students and parents/guardians can monitor academic progress through their PowerSchool accounts.
GPA & Quality Points -(New to NC. This weighting scale is geared to first year 9 th grade cohort class of 2019) -Classes ’16,’17,’18 weighting grandfathered to traditional scale, AP 6 points, Honors 5 points Grade Standard HonorsAP Courses A B C D F 0 0 0
Athletic Eligibility: All incoming freshmen are eligible for athletics fall semester of their freshman year. After first semester of their freshman year, students are eligible if they pass three of their four classes during the semester previous to the sport they wish to play. All students participating in athletics must have been in attendance for at least 85% of the days in the previous semester.
How can I support my student? Set goals with your student for each quarter and/or semester Discuss assignments with your student Set a regular time and place for homework Assist your student with time management strategies Communicate with teachers through Monitor academic progress on PowerSchool Provide daily encouragement Encourage school involvement
Clubs and Organizations Academic Organizations: National Honor Society National Technical Honor Society Service Organizations: Key Club Ambassadors Special Interest Clubs: Harry Potter Club Film Club Parent/Student Clubs: PTSA Cary High Band Boosters IMP Booster Club NJROTC Booster Club Check the CHS website for a comprehensive list. Students start clubs every year. See an administrator for more information.
Contacting Teachers is best. Check PowerSchool for updates. Encourage your student to speak with their teacher and follow-up with an . *Like you, we want our Imps to practice advocating for themselves.
Scheduling a Parent Conference Contact your student’s teacher to schedule a meeting involving one or two teachers. Contact your student’s counselor to schedule a meeting with all teachers. The student is required to attend the meeting. Prepare questions in advance. Approach the conference as an ally. Work together to find the best solution for your student. Be prepared to talk and listen. Before you leave, be sure a plan of action is in place. After the conference, follow-up to monitor progress.
Academic Assistance SMART Lunch NHS Tutors Schedule time with teachers before or after school AMP Opportunity (3 days)
Other Supportive Staff Counselors Administrators School Resource Officer Career Development Coordinator School Nurse School Psychologist Media Specialists Attendance Office Clerical Assistance