Cold War Events and Reactions
Movements of National Liberation France fought two unsuccessful colonial wars in Algeria and Indochina (Vietnam). Britain lost control of India (Gandhi), Palestine and in 1952, Egypt gained independence. Decolonization of many areas of Africa and Asia continued as Europe lost most of its colonies. Some of these movements were communist in nature, George Kennan telegraphed Truman.
Truman Doctrine In response, Truman developed U.S. policy which promised to aid “free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”. Influenced by “domino theory” (weaker countries would fall to communism like dominoes in a chain reaction). This idea will dominate foreign policy for decades.
Economic Devastation France introduced sweeping nationalization measures and a capitalist planned economy. Britain’s new labor government laid foundation for a welfare state to answer demands of its people. Capitalist market policies in Germany were combined with social welfare programs. Marshall Plan (13 billion dollars given by U.S.) would help rebuild Europe.
European Unity Schuman Plan called for cooperation between France and Germany. In 1957, France, Germany Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg and Holland formed the Common Market or E.E.C. (Britain stayed out) Britain and other countries entered in the 1970s. In 1993, the E.C. was replaced by the European Union which created a common currency, eased travel, etc.