Rivers By Emma Harridge
What is a river? A river is fresh water flowing across the surface of the land, usually to the sea. It flows in a channel. The bottom of the channel is called the bed and the sides of the channel are called the banks.
What is a Spring? The first step of a river is a spring but what is a spring? A spring is a small stream of water flowing naturally from the earth.
What is a tributaries? The second stage of a river is a tributaries but what are tributaries? Tributaries are a stream flowing into a larger stream.
What are confluences? Confluences are the third stage of a river. A confluence is a flowing together of two or more streams.
What is a waterfall? A water fall could be the forth stage of a river. A water fall is a steep decent of the water of a river.
What is a meander? A meander is the fifth stage of a river a meander is a broad looping bend in a river.
What is a floodplain? A flood plain is a plain bordering a river and subject to flooding. A floodplain is the sixth stage of a rivers journey.
What is a delta? A delta is a large roughly triangular body of sediment deposited at the mouth of the river. A delta is the seventh stage of a river.
What is an estuary? An estuary is the wide lower course of a river where it flows into the sea. An estuary is the eight stage of a river and is the last stage of a river.
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