AIM: What are the parts of a stream/river? Do Now: 1) Take out your ESRT and turn to page 6. 2) On the chart in the upper right, describe what velocity means. 3) What type of relationship does the graph show?
How is gradient calculated? I. Stream/River Flow The movement of a stream/river as it erodes and deposits material. This depends largely on its velocity which depends on gradient. What is gradient? * Steepness of the land How is gradient calculated? *Change in Field Value Distance meander bending and turning often (wander).
II. Parts of a Stream/River Channel The path the water follows. B) Bank Sides of the channel. C) Source The start of the stream/river (headwater). Water comes from rain and melting snow. Tributaries are small streams D) Mouth The end of the stream/river (a large body of water). E) Discharge The amount of water moving in the stream/river.
Stream/River System Stream/River
Source vs. Mouth Channel = Gradient = Discharge = Velocity = Channel = wide narrow gentle steep less more less more Gentle Gradient
Aim: How do streams/rivers change the landscape? Do Now: In your note book, explain where the water comes from that fills the streams/rivers. How does the velocity of a stream/river effect it’s ability to erode and deposit?
I. Erosion - The more velocity and discharge, the more erosion occurs. - Streams/Rivers erode material in three ways: Solution: dissolved minerals (can’t see) Suspension : floating in the middle (largest part) Bed Load: rolling along the bottom (too large for suspension)
Bed Load- bouncing or rolling
- Streams/Rivers make sediments smaller as they transport them over long distances. - Sediments become more round.
Narrow V-shaped valley’s are created as streams/rivers erode away bedrock.
Take out your ESRT and turn to page 6 * Each section counts by the place value listed at the beginning.
Take out the Stream Velocity Packet
II. DEPOSITION What size sediment will settle first in the river? Why? - as stream/river velocity (energy) decreases sediments can no longer be carried. What size sediment will settle first in the river? Why? Larger sediments are deposited near the headwaters (start) and smaller sediments are carried to the mouth (end). This causes the sediments to be sorted.
What size sediments do you think make up the alluvial fan? Deltas are an accumulation sediment at the mouth of a stream/river. Alluvial fans form within the delta from deposited sediment. What size sediments do you think make up the alluvial fan? Why?
Describe velocity on the inside and outside of the bank. On meandering streams, erosion occurs on the outside of the bank and deposition occurs on the inside of the bank. Describe velocity on the inside and outside of the bank. - Inside bank = slow velocity (deposition) - Outside bank = fast velocity (erosion)
Meandering River Cross Section Copy Diagram
Stream Erosion & Deposition At which letters does erosion occur? At which letters does deposition occur? A and D 2) B and C A B C D