Kitchen: Car: Toys: Garden: House: Computer: Luxury Bathroom: Tools: Other:
Blender Coffee Grinder Dish Washer Oven fan Electric Can opener Electric Knife Extractor Fan Microwave Oven Kitchen 8
Windows 4 Starter motor Cooling Fan Seat mover Windshield wipers 3, radio aerial Car 11 19
Dog Whale Meccano set Fischer Technik Electric trains 2 (stolen) Electric cars 4 Toys 10 29
Lawn Mower Pressure washer Hedge Clipper Garden 3 32
Central Heating Boiler Water Pump Vacuum Cleaners (3) Floor Polisher Tumbler Drier Washing Machine 2 Dishwasher 2 Curtain track Fan Heaters 2 Cooling Fans 2 Clocks 5 Domestic 21 54
Desktops 2x4 Laptop 2x4 (Fans Floppy Drive CD drive) Computers 16 72
VCR 2x3 Movie film camera 2 Movie video tape camera 2 digital camera Film cameras zoom and winder 2 Cine Projector 2 Record Player CD player DVD player Overhead projector Luxury 19 87
Electric Toothbrush Hair Driers 2 Extractor fan electric razor Bathroom
Rotary Saw wood Sander metal sander Router Chain Saw Fretsaw Saw Drills 3 Screw Drivers 2, Engraver Tools
Airbrush compressor Other
Wristwatches 3 pocket watches Other
Blender, Coffee Grinder, Dish Washer, Oven fan, Electric Can opener, Electric Knife, Extractor Fan, Microwave Oven. 8 Windows 4, Starter motor, Cooling Fan, Seat mover 2, Windsheild wipers 2, radio aerial Dog, whale, Meccano set, Lego, electric trains 2 stolen, electric cars Wristwatch pocket watch 4 33 Lawn Mower, Pressure washer, Hedge Clipper, 3 36 Cental Heating Boiler, Water Pump, Vacuum Cleaner (3), Floor Polisher Tumbler Drier, Washing Machine, Curtain track, Fan Heaters 2, Cooling Fans 2, Clocks Desktop 4 (Fans Floppy Drive CD drive) Laptop VCR 3, Movie camera 2, digital camera, film camera zoom and winder, cine projector 2 record player, CD, DVD, OH projector, Electric Toothbrush, Hair Driers 2, Extractor fan, electric razor Rotary Saw, wood Sander, metal sander, Router, Chain Saw, Fretsaw Saw, Drills 3, Screw Drivers 2, Engraver Airbrush compressor Kitchen: Car: Toys: Garden: House: Computer: Luxury Bathroom: Tools: Other: