East Area BTV upgrade 2015_09_03 S.Burger BE-BI-PM V.Clerc EN-MEF-SI I.Francescut BE-BI-ML V.deJesus EN-MEF-SI M.Lazzaroni EN-MEF-EBE … F61 line
Content Introduction Actual system o Mechanics o Electronics Upgrade (the old ‘Marguerites’) o Vacuum tank o Screen o Screen insertion device o Support o Alignment o Optical system Budget Planning ECR approved
Introduction BTV Description A radiator is inserted into the beam path. The interaction of the particles with the material generates light. A camera system captures the light through a viewport. The image corresponds to the beam ‘footprint’ on the screen. It is used for beam observation, steering or measurement.
Actual situation (1) Mechanics → non BTV standard -5 old ‘Marguerites’ (ageing and no spares) -Only used as screen holder (not target anymore) 6 F61N.BTV02. Upgraded in 2014.
Actual situation (2) Electronics -BTV VME board controls→ already BTV standard -Camera -Lights -Image acquisition -Filter wheel -Screen insertion device -CAMAC Marguerite controller → non BTV standard Application -BTV application → BTV standard -based on FESA classes already in use by all other BTVs installed in the all accelerator chain -GM class software→ non BTV standard Maintenance -Requires the input of 3 groups: -EN-STI for the mechanics -BE-CO for the actuator control -BE-BI for the camera acquisition Upgrade: -Get rid off the old Marguerites -Get a BTV design (new screen insertion device with a newer vacuum chamber) -Use the standard BTV hardware CTRL and application -For optimization reason regarding development, installation, maintenance and operability, a unique monitor is developed for the 5 BTVs with minor modification to fit with each position and application
New Mechanics BTV (1) Screen -Tests made on different PS beams on the extraction line F61, confirmed that a unique screen made of Al2O3:CrO2 is sufficient to see the whole range of beam intensity extracted into the East Area. -Material : Al2O3:CrO2 (luminescence) 1mm thickness -Marks : the screen will have marks only on the outside of the region of interest to optimize the S/N during measurement -Size: Screen InstrumentType Size [mm x mm] Screen size seen by the beam (45deg) [mm x mm] Screen thickness [mm] F61.BTV01Al2O3:CrO2142x100100x1001 F61.BTV02Al2O3:CrO2142x100100x1001 F61.BTV03Al2O3:CrO2220x100150x1001 F61D.BTV01Al2O3:CrO2142x100100x1001 F61S.BTV01Al2O3:CrO2142x100100x mm x 100mm 100mm x 100mm 2 different sizes
Screen Insertion Device A magnetic coupled push-pull device was chosen from UHV Design (model MPPL-150) as the screen insertion device. This actuator will be driven by a pneumatic device from SMC (model CDG1BN32). This new actuator system is already in the pipeline for being used in the new BTVs for the ELENA machine. New Mechanics BTV (2)
Vacuum chamber -Taking into account the space needed by the instrument in all locations, the vacuum chamber was designed taking into account the smallest space available to guarantee that it fits in any of the 5 locations: -Longitudinal length = 304mm Vacuum Interconnections -‘KF250’ SPS type on the BTVs -Either connection with or Support, alignment table -The support and the alignment table are developed by EN-MEF and will be use as a standard in the F61 line -PSZBTVMC0001 already validated for production Mires system -The mire system is attached to the same flange than the screen insertion device which permits to optimize the metrology (one can get the screen position wrt the mires, avoiding any metrology on the vacuum tank). The mires system stays in the BTV to optimize time in the machine for any survey. New Mechanics BTV (3)
BTV device assembly on CF250 flange -Screen insertion device -Mire system -Optical system -Cover Optical system -Illumination system -Camera (ThermoFisher CID8726DX7) -Filter wheel New Mechanics BTV (4)
Budget Planning PostGroup involved Estimate [KCHF] Status 1 BE design BE-BI / EN-MEF15In progress 2 Vacuum tank BE-BI / EN-MEF25Design validated, in AP 3 Support / table BE-BI / EN-MEF12Design validated, production on going 4 Screen Insertion Device BE-BI25Quotation received 5 Screens BE-BI15Quotation received 6 Viewport Fuse Silicate BE-BI10Quotation received 7 Complete assembly 'cloche' BE-BI20Design validated 8 Cameras BE-BI40Quotation received 9 Cabling EN-EL10DIC done (only for TF camera) 10 Crates + misc BE-BI10OK 11 Mounting/Cabling/Testing BE-BI / TE-VSC / EN-HE10To be done Total 192 Even if quite challenging from the beginning, we try to keep planning installation as : -4 BTVs: in the PS during YETS 2015/16 (end of January, beginning February 2016) -1 BTV: inside the primary zone, later in 2016, before the start up of the East Area (to benefit as much from the radiation decrease)