Instructional Technology for Teaching 629A Week III
Databases ABC Clio Social Studies Database NVCIS CultureGrams EBSCO
Databases Gale Databases Grolier Grolier Kids Teaching Books
PowerPoint (Beginner Option) Recreate my example
PowerPoint Use the CCSD library resources to create a four slide PowerPoint presentation.
PowerPoint (Challenge Option) Choose a subject Include a picture or graphic of your subject obtained from one of the library databases Include information on your subject Use three different library databases Screen Shot of which databases you used on last slide 6-10 slides total
PowerPoint Slide #1 Title of Project, Your name, CTE 629A Slide #2 Informational Text Slide #3 Picture or Graphic Slide #4 Screen Shot of Database
Getting Started… ABC Clio Social Studies Database Choose American History
Search Internet
Choose Gore, Al
Copy and Paste Al’s quote into your project Click on the link for images
Right Click on Al’s picture…Choose Copy Image
Paste Al into your project
Last slide… Use a screen shot of the CCSD Library database you used.