What is your favorite: 1. TV Show 2. Music Group/Artist 3. Actor/Actress 4. Fast Food Restaurant 5. Store ▪ What do you learn from these? (This is open-ended) ▪ Do you think these would be different at another school? City? State? Nation?
To remember the format of SEE-I’s, we will be writing one of these almost everyday. Each day I expect you to be improving (but try your best from day 1!) Pick one of the answers from your warmup to write a SEE-I on. ▪ State ▪ Elaborate ▪ Exemplify ▪ Illustrate
OBJ: SWBAT define culture and describe their own assumptions about this topic? 0-5 on your hand. ▪ What does culture mean?
Culture consists of the knowledge, language, values, customs, and physical objects that are shared among members of a particular group. Culture helps to explain human social behavior. What people do and don’t do, what they like and dislike, what they believe and don’t believe, and what they value and discount are all based on culture. CFU: Think/Write/Share: Is there such a thing as American culture? Does American culture also include subcultures? Justify your response and provide examples.
In this unit we are going to be examining the differences between two types of culture. Actual Culture Popular Culture CFU: Think/Write/Share: Predict – What do you think the difference is between actual culture and popular culture. ▪ Provide 2 specific examples to support your response.
0-5 on your hand. What does idealize mean?
Idealize means to regard or represent something as perfect or better than it is in reality. When something has been idealized it has been made to look superior than it actually is. Culture is something that is commonly idealized. CFU: Think/Write/Share: Can you think of any other things that you often see idealized? Make a list of possible examples.
Actual culture- refers to the realities of everyday life for a particular group of people. Non-idealized facts about the actual living circumstances of a group of people. During this unit we will be trying to critically examine the actual culture of various groups. CFU: Think/Write/Share: What types of things would you expect to be part of the actual culture of Cheyenne Mountain students? Make a list of possible examples.
Answer the following questions about the political cartoon: 1.What images do you see in this image? 2.What message does this cartoon send about American culture? 3. Do you think this is an accurate representation? Why/Why Not?
What is culture?
Popular culture- refers to the mainstream ideas, attitudes, images, etc widely accepted by a culture, and heavily influenced by media Pop culture is can be a superficial or false representation of the living circumstances for a group of people. During this unit we will be trying to critically examine when popular culture is and is not a reflection of actual culture. CFU: Think/Write/Share: What types of things would you expect to be part of the popular culture of Cheyenne Mountain students? Make a list of possible examples.
An essential part of being a fair-minded critical thinker is the ability to identify our own assumptions about topics before we can objectively evaluate it. In order to do this we are going to answer several critical thinking questions to help us determine our own assumptions and presuppositions about culture. The Process: Answer each question individually. Discuss your response with your shoulder partner. Discuss as a whole class. Thumbs up/Thumbs down: Do you understand the process?
Think / Write / Share: If you were living in a foreign country and the only information you had about the United States was what you learned from TV shows, music videos, and movies what assumptions would you make about American culture? ▪ Make a list of possible assumptions and justify why you think that each one would be made. ▪ Partner B stand up and go take a seat next to someone who was not your original partner.
Think / Write / Share: What are the defining characteristics of your families actual culture? ▪ Of your friends actual culture? ▪ List as many characteristics as you can for each category. ▪ Partner A stand up and go take the seat of another Partner A.
Think / Write / Share: How does the media portray different groups within American society? ▪ Partner A stand up and go take the seat of another Partner A.
Does what you see on TV or in movies accurately portray the circumstances of your actual culture? ▪ Justify your response and provide specific examples of how it either does or does not.
What is actual culture? Provide 2 examples What is popular culture? Provide 2 examples What is the difference between popular culture and actual culture?
Obj.: SWBAT explain stereotypes and describe what they can tell us about a society Relevance: We are stereotyped, and do stereotype all the time to better understand our world. We need to understand the implications of what this means for us and others. DOL: Essential Questions:
Stereotype- a common standardized mental picture that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment Are stereotypes always bad? Why do we stereotype?
Here are ten stereotypes of America from a New Zealander’s POV. 1. We all fit the ‘ugly American’ stereotype. 2. The whole nation is celebrity obsessed. 3. Everyone says ‘y’all’. 4. Everything we eat is deep-fried. And probably wrapped in bacon. 5. All Americans hate Canada. 6. Everyone has a gun 7. We are all fanatically patriotic. 8. Nothing exists outside of USA. 9. Everything in the USA is XXL. 10. We are all fat, lazy, and ignorant to the rest of the world Think/Pair Share Is there any validity in any of these stereotypes,? Try to come up with 3 more that you may have heard?
Watch this short video entitled “Why Europeans Hate Americans” and complete the following items on your DO NOW sheets. 1. List 4 stereotypes you hear about Americans. 2. Where do they get their ideas about Americans from? 3. Do you think that some of the stereotypes are true? If yes, which ones? If no, why not? 4. How can Americans change their perceived culture in Europe?
Come up with 5 separate groups within America, and think of at least 3 stereotypes about each. (examples of groups: specific races, genders, sexualities, hair color, religion, accents, geographic location, occupations, etc.) Share. Are there truth to these? Where did we learn these stereotypes?
Pick one of the following: Choose a stereotype we discussed today and write whether it is or is not an accurate stereotype of that group What are the implications or consequences of stereotypes? ▪ State (thesis) ▪ Elaborate (at least 3 sentence explanation. “in other words…” ▪ Exemplify (give a detailed, specific example. “for example…” ▪ Illustrate (create an analogy or metaphor to prove your thesis