Warm-up Ch 21 L2 Renaissance Respond to the following: 1. What is the title and artist of this work? 2. What is the narrative of this work? 3. What are the stylistic characteristics? 4. What does ‘context’ mean? 5. What do we know about the context of this work? Obj: SWBAT describe how Renaissance artwork represents HUMANISM in a paragraph providing visual evidence Homework: Ch. 21 Reading Questions on St. Mark, Gates of Paradise and David (Donatello)
Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Due Today: Context Card & 1 st Cue Card for Ch 21 PAST DUE: Ch. 20 Cue Cards Quiz on Chapter 20 Ch 15 Essay prompt—Hindu & Buddhist art Re-write Essay responses to Chapter 10 & 14 Quizzes Ch. 15 India Cue Cards Homework: Ch. 21 Reading Questions on St. Mark, Gates of Paradise and David (Donatello) Future Due Dates: Next Week—daily quizzes in first 10 mins of class
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P RIMAVERA A: Sandro Botticelli N: Venus (cen), cupid (top) shooting arrow at Three Graces. Zephyrus (blue) carries away Chloris to marry and turns her into Flora (goddess of spring, floral dress). Mercury (L) with staff dispelling storm clouds = ALL Mythological characters Style: Open landscape, halo around Venus Contrapposto Classical (Greco- Roman) modeling— realism/naturalism, but clothed Mythological figures Visual Poetry
W ARM - UP Context— circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea terms of which something can be fully understood Question Examples: The patron of this work was: The art-historical period that influenced the work was: The work shows the influence of what culture? The primary function of the work was: The cultural/spiritual values
P RIMAVERA Meaning: Symbolic of Lorenzo Medici’s wedding Neo-Plantonist view—earthly love is compatible with Christian Theology Venus is love that provokes desire in Cupid Desire can lead to lust and violence (Zephyrus) or love of god through reason And faith (Mercury) Urges newlyweds to seek god through love
C HAPTER 21 L EARNING O BJECTIVES What impact did Renaissance humanism have on art in Florence? What are the major formal developments in Quattrocento sculpture? What are the major formal developments in Quattrocento painting? Discuss the formal and material characteristics of 15th-century Italian architecture. Describe the first public demonstration of perspective. Describe the role and influence of patrons. Identify and describe the integration of sacred and secular concerns. Explain the relationship of science, humanism, and artistic production. Explain the role of princely courts on innovations in and support of art. Describe the materials and techniques of Renaissance painting, sculpture, and printmaking
EARLY Renaissance in FLORENCE Renaissance = “Rebirth” C – Clarity H - Humanism A – Anatomy M – Medici P – Perspective, Pyramid RENAISSANCE ART IN ITALY
11 C ONTEXT HUMANISM Emphasis on education, individual potential of human beings, desire to excel, civic responsibility, moral duty, inspired by the Greeks and Romans “Renaissance Man” Evidence of humanism in art Classical subjects Linear Perspective systems Depicting anatomy accurately Important concept: Medieval belief WAS based on DIVINE will, Renaissance thinkers believe in FREE will of human beings. Important Invention - Gutenberg’s Printing Press Italian Renaissance Art: new pictorial illusionism, patronage= civic responsibility and self-promotion, artists have increased fame. “ The arts serve the glory of God, the honor of the city, and commemoration of self” –Giovanni Rucellai
CFU 1. Describe Humanism Belief in education, individual potential, desire to excel, civic responsibility, moral duty, all inspired by the Greeks and Romans.
S ACRIFICE OF I SAAC N: Biblical story, Abraham sacrifices his son (show devotion), Angel stops him WHY THIS STORY?? (CONTEXT) Prediction (prophetic) & Parallel to God sacfricing Christ for Humanity Parallel to the Florentine people defending their city from attack by Duke of Milan– Florentines were like Romans (civil & political liberty) BRUNELLESCHI GHIBERTI
CFU 2. Why was the theme of the sacrifice of Isaac chosen for the doors of the baptistery of Florence?
S ACRIFICE OF I SAAC --WHO WON?? Competition of the city of Florence wanted new doors for its baptistery (San Giovanni) Brunelleschi—violent, dramatic, flying robes, angel grabs Abraham’s Hand Ghiberti—grace, smoothness, contemplative, drawn back arm Isaac is a Greco-Roman nude statue & platform BRUNELLESCHI GHIBERTI
S ACRIFICE OF I SAAC --WHO WON?? Ghiberti!! WHY??? References to classical reflects Humanism— first classical nude since antiquity (Roman era) Spatial (space) illusion—rocks emerge toward viewer, foreshortened angel GHIBERTI
CFU 3. Who won the competition of 1401? Why did they win?
E XIT S LIP How does Ghiberti’s Sacrifice of Isaac reflect Humanism? (provide visual evidence) GHIBERTI
HOMEWORK Due Mon 3/9/15 ST. MARK DONATELLO 1. Who commissioned this work? 2. What is ‘classical’ about this work? 3. How does the artist suggest movement with this work? List at least 3 traits. 4. How does this work reflect Humanism?
HOMEWORK Due Mon 3/9/15 Gates of Paradise Ghiberti 1. How do the panels create the illusion of space? List 3-4 ways. 2. What is the sculptor’s aerial perspective? 3. How does this work reflect Humanism?
HOMEWORK Due Mon 3/9/15 DAVID DONATELLO 1. Who commissioned this work? 2. Where was this work originally located? 3. How does this work represent the revival of classical principles in the arts? List 3-4 ways. 4. What did the subject of David and Goliath symbolize to the Florentines?