Academic Promotion everything you need to know (almost!) Pauline McLeod Senior HR Advisor CMVM MVM HR
Steps in the promotion process Timetable announcedSept 15 Submissions to Head of Deanery/SchoolOct 15 HoD/S reviews and submits to College HR Nov 15 College HR check each submission and write to Referees Nov 15 1st College promotion panel meetsMarch 16
Steps in the promotion process 2 nd College promotion panel meetsApril 16 College HR write confirming outcomesshortly after each panel Personal Chair applications to Central Academic Promotions Committee March 16 Central Academic Promotions Committee University Senate/Court confirms April/May 16 June 16 Successful promotions take effect01 August 16
College Promotions Panel Membership Prof. Sir John Savill Vice Principal and Head of College Prof. Mike Shipston, HoD, Deanery of Biomedical Sciences Prof. Hilary Critchley, HoD, Deanery of Clinical Sciences Prof. Sarah Cunningham-Burley, HoD, Deanery of Molecular Genetics & Population Health Sciences Prof. David Argyle, HoS, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Prof. David Hume, Director of the Roslin Institute Prof. Nick Hastie, Director of the Institute of Genetics & Molecular Medicine Prof. John Iredale, Head of Medical School, Dean of Clinical Medicine, Chair of Medicine Dr Lorna Marson – non-professorial member Dr Fanney Kristmundsdottir, Equal Opportunities Member Professorial representative from another College UCU representative
Panel Consideration Papers circulated in advance Each member of Panel is assigned to present one or more of the submissions to the rest of the Panel – highlighting key achievements etc. Panel reach a consensus decision. Chair has casting vote
Paperwork Different requirements for each grade Follow instructions Make time and take time to prepare
Key Factors Contribution to Teaching Contribution to Research Leadership and Management
UE06 to UE07 Evidence of up to date expertise in your academic field Effective contribution to high quality research or teaching Ability to work independently and as a member of a team Positive impact on the profile of the work in your Group or Department
UE07 to UE08 Your reputation at national level in your discipline. e.g. number and quality of publications and citations or recognition of your work. Evidence that you have designed and delivered research projects and/or units of teaching or learning. Evidence that you contribute to broader processes in the work of your Group / Department. Contribution to attracting funding/financial support for your work (or other measure of impact). Show how you represent the work of the University, e.g. public engagement / activities, participation in relevant national networks,
UE08 to UE09 Evidence of developing techniques, standards and methods, acting as a role-model for best practice. Substantial reputation nationally and internationally for research or teaching – reflected in sustained output, level of innovation, impact on field. Extent of recognition within academia and beyond, e.g. invitation to speak on Pedagogy at major conferences As appropriate to the field a sustained record in attracting significant resources, Demonstrable success in fostering a student-focused culture, e.g. excellence as a Head of Subject area, nominations / awards from students / EUSA
UE08 to UE09 Contribution to teaching / learning, e.g. programme development, assessment exercises, examinations, projects, innovations especially where those impact at College / University-wide levels Success in team leadership
Exemplars in Teaching UE09 Membership or convenership of a Teaching Programme Review Leadership of a new practice in student support at Deanery or College level. Sustained service on a major external committee or learned society Excellence as a Head of subject area or Director of Teaching Publications / authorship of a text book Invitations to speak at a major conference Appointment as an external examiner Commendations from external examiners
Exemplars in Teaching UE10 External / Internal awards for teaching excellence Leadership of new and significant international educational links / or improvements to international student education Leading improvements to the TPR process through convenership of panels Authorship of influential textbook(s) Cited publications Invitations to speak at a major international conference or leading Institutions Leading contribution to the review of teaching / QA in another University.
Readership Substantial track record of high quality & impact research and publication Significant success in securing grants / funding. Invitations to present at prestigious national / international conferences Knowledge transfer Editorial responsibilities Membership of international bodies / professional societies Citations of work Prestigious awards /prizes Public engagement Innovation and leadership in clinical service
Personal Chair / Personal Chair in Student Learning Personal Chair Outstanding achievement in research and scholarship International recognition of achievements Academic leadership Personal Chair in Student Learning Contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the field of learning at the highest level Outstanding achievement in contribution to student learning Academic leadership
Contribution Awards Additional Increments / Contribution points Grades UE06 –UE09 Not ready for promotion to next grade Sustained excellent contribution, over and above the normal expectations for your role, in the context of expected continuation at that level. 1 or 2 additional increments
Contribution Awards Lump Sums Single exceptional contribution, significantly over and above the normal expectations for the role, in the context of a one-off task or project Award range -£200 - £2,000
Special Circumstances Maternity Leave Ill Health Caring Responsibilities
Feedback / Appeals Panel Feedback Appeals Process
Further Information resources/pay-reward/promotions-grading/academic- staff/procedures-criteria resources/pay-reward/promotions-grading/academic- staff/academic-forms ntribution_Reward_Policy.pdf
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