Counting Centuries Or Why are they trying to confuse me?


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Presentation transcript:

Counting Centuries Or Why are they trying to confuse me?

|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Counting Centuries

|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Counting Centuries

|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Counting Centuries

|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Counting Centuries

|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Counting Centuries Got the idea?

So what century is ? 1098? 1492? 1776? 1865? 1944? 2014?

So what century is ? 1096? 1492? 1776? 1865? 1944? 2014?

So what century is ? 1098? 1492? 1776? 1865? 1944? 2014?

So what century is ? 1098? 1492? 1776? 1865? 1944? 2014?

So what century is ? 1098? 1492? 1776? 1865? 1944? 2014?

So what century is ? 1098? 1492? 1776? 1865? 1944? 2014?

So what century is ? 1098? 1492? 1776? 1865? 1944? 2014?

And how would you write in numbers The 6 th year of the 18 th century?... The 42 nd year of the 10 th century?... The 15 th year of the 19 th century?... The 14 th year of the 21 st century?

So what is all this “BC”, “AD”, “BCE”, “CE” stuff? Old StuffNew Stuff BC (Before Christ)BCE = “Before the Common Era” AD (Anno Domini – Latin for “in the year of Our Lord”) CE = Common Era

So how do we count the BC/BCE centuries? The same as with the AD/CE ones – only backwards! HUH?

First Century BCE = 0 – 100 BCE. If we put this on a scale with the CE years, it looks like this: BCE CE |-----|-----|----- | -----|-----|-----|

Got it now? Hope so!