Hosted Catalog Punch-out Vendor Non-Catalog form (for the purposes of time and content, we will not cover today. If you want to learn how to do a non-catalog transaction, please AFISM for training).
Listed under the Showcased suppliers Also have the capability to search in the browse fields.
The screen stays the same so you can continue shopping. You can add multiple products, even from different vendors (go back to home and select new vendor). Repeat the process until you are done shopping.
Enter the short description in the shop field. You can also click the advanced search link to have additional input fields.
The Punchout vendors will work differently. You will find a more comprehensive catalog. When shopping with these vendors, you will actually go out to the vendors site through this link rather than shop in TechBuy.
Each punchout will work differently depending on the vendor.
You can now go through the assign cart process again. You can also delete a line item on the requisition if needed. For hosted catalog transactions, you can add to your favorites.
On VWR site, you can enter Fisher product number and it will put up equivalent product. VWR will have new pricing loaded soon and have a HUB partner.
This is not meant to be a comprehensive training class. It was designed to allow researches and professors to ability to independently shop online with selected vendors. Please contact if you need any Additional training is available at (click on AFISM Training and class schedule)
Jennifer Adling – Director of Purchasing and Contracting Cathy Limon – Section Systems Coordinator for Purchasing and Contracting Support at