1 PARENT INFORMATION RISD Elementary Grading Guidelines
2 Understanding your child’s grades.
Grades are a snapshot of student progress. They are a tool for: Communication Providing feedback Reflecting knowledge Indicating progress Guiding instructional decisions
Academic Grades include both Formative Summative Assessment
Grade Calculations FORMATIVE 9 per nine- weeks 50% of term average* SUMMATIVE 3 per nine- weeks 50% of term average*
Grade Calculations *6 th Gr Pre-Advanced Placement Math (follows secondary calculations) Formative (30%) Summative (70%)
Purpose: Students who score below 85 have opportunity for RETEACH & REASSESSMENT to master the concept/skill. o Teacher and student develop a plan for opportunity to learn missed concept(s) and show mastery o Up to three formative (below 85) per subject, per term o All summative (below 85)-one time each w/in 5 days 7 Re-Do/Re-Test
Not eligible: o Semester exams o Academic dishonesty/plagiarism Academic dishonesty/plagiarism o Receive a zero o Opportunity for alternative assignment to be added into the grade but not replace the zero o Disciplinary action 8 Re-Do/Re-Test
Re-do/Re-test Plan Plan of Action Student & Teacher develop plan & timeline Learning opportunity (reteach) prior to reassessment Reassessment in variety of ways Replaces grade – up to 85
Other Make-up Work Due to absence** Student’s responsibility Time: equal to the # of days absent **Assignments previously given, in which students have knowledge & instruction, are due upon return to school with campus discretion. Late Work Will be accepted following day May have a 10 point deduction
Kindergarten Report cards in Skyward each 9 weeks Progress midpoint of grading period (separate document sent home) Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies– progress will be reported with performance indicators in reference to standards Specials (Art, Music, P.E.) & Behavior– will be reported with letters E, S, N, U (Excellent, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory)
First Grade Report cards in Skyward each 9 weeks Progress reports in midpoint of grading period Reading, Language Arts, Math–will be reported with number grades Science, Social Studies, Specials (Art, Music, P.E.) & Behavior– will be reported with letters E, S, N, U ( Excellent, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory)
Communication Family Access - Electronic Gradebook (Skyward) online App Teachers enter grades at least weekly Progress reports available at approximately the midpoint of each grading period Report cards issued each 9 weeks Teacher webpages Stay in contact with your child’s teacher
14 Questions?
15 PARENT INFORMATION RISD Elementary Grading Guidelines