Welcome to First Grade Bixby Northeast Elementary
Homework Homework will go home in Thursday folder. Please return by the following Thursday. Math practice sheets. Sight words and spelling word practice. Reading with your child 20 minutes a day will make a positive difference in your child’s life.
Reading at Home Research tells us that for children to become readers, they should listen and talk a lot. To become better readers they must read, a lot! 1. Listen to your child read. Be patient. Let him know you are proud of his reading. 2. Make it fun, not a stressful time. You want your child to enjoy reading.
Strategies Skip the word and go back. Think what makes sense. Look at the picture. Read it again. Read on. Think about words I know. Get my mouth ready. Look for a chunk Sound out the word Ask for help.
Grading We will be doing a lot of practice, practice, practice. Many of your child’s returned papers will not have a letter grade or a percentage recorded but will have been an opportunity for your child to practice a new skill. When we have practiced enough, I will begin assessing the skill and record a numerical grade. GRADING SCALE 3 Meets or Exceeds Standard % 2 Progressing Towards Standard 75-86% 1Area of Concern 74% or below
Expectations Class Creed We the students in 1 st grade will treat each other with respect. We will do our very best!
Dibels Testing the week of 8 th – 11th. Be sure to arrive on time. Be rested.
Writing Encourage your child to spell and write. Write letters and thank-you notes, simple stories, and grocery lists. Children will use invented spelling. Help them to use simple punctuation marks and capital letters.
Library Your child is allowed to check out one book at a time. Your child will be able to return their book and check out a new one in the morning or when time allows. Library times, Friday morning 9:30 to 9:50.
Reminders… Don’t forget to order a class tee-shirt