Estuaries Justin, Shane & Jordan
What is an Estuary? An estuary is a coastal body of water that is partly enclosed. It has multiple streams, or rivers that flow into it. It has an open flow to the sea.
Pollution The hardest hit water based habitats are estuaries. Pollutants from rivers, lakes, streams and the ocean flow into estuaries, causing damage to the habitat, and life of the species within it.
Human Impact As estuaries are extremely calm bodies of water, they make for excellent fishing. Due to extreme overfishing by humans, estuaries lose their fish. 22 of the 32 largest cities in the world are around estuaries. The people of these cities affect the estuaries through, overfishing, pollution and septic dumping in waters.
Estuaries give homes to many species of fish, such as salmon and sea trout. Migrating birds often stop in estuaries, as it is a good source of food. Plankton is a key element in estuaries. It acts as a cleaner within estuaries and also as food for the fish. Plankton are brought into and swept out of estuaries by the current of the water.
Migrant Birds Gathering around an Estuary.
Klamath River Estuary. Oregon/ California.
Miramichi River The estuary part of the Miramichi river is a drowned river valley. A rise in sea level from the Miramichi bay caused salt water to flood the Miramichi River. The estuary receives fresh water from the Miramichi river, and mixes with salt waters from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The Gulf of St. Lawrence itself is an Estuary. The biggest on the planet.
Miramichi Bay
What’s an Estuary? Now you Know.