Sources of water Forms of water Evaporation of water Pollution of water Potable water Water management Rainwater harvesting
World water day -22 March. Sources of water-wells,tube wells,ponds,river s,lakes,streams. Forms of water- liquid,gaseous,sol id.
Evaporation of water-the changing of liquid in a gaseous state on heating is called evaporation of water. Water evaporates at 0to100C
Ways to prevent evaporation of water- Use of cetyl alcohol Use of closed pipes Use of plastic covers
Pollution of water Causes of pollution Efforts to reduce pollution
Potable water Filtration Chlorination Supplying water
Water management Taking care on a personal level Reusing water after suitable treatment Reopening of old wells
Rainwater harvesting- When rainwater is collected and used later,it is called rainwater harvesting-