German Nationalism We will study 4 main topics –Growth of German nationalism and unification –Bismarck’s contribution to the unification of Germany –The new German Empire - domestic and foreign policy –The Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazi Party
Germany Two main sections in this topic which can be asked about in the exams: –Domestic policy - Germany’s internal problems and how they were dealt with –Foreign policy - Germany’s relations with the other major European countries
German Domestic Policy Exam questions –How far was Germany a united country after 1871? –How successfully did Germany deal with its internal problems between –“A period of prolonged crisis” Is this an accurate assessment of Germany ? –How successful was the new German state in winning popular support in the period ?
“A Period of two Halves” All essays on this topic cover the period from 1871 to 1914, but the period itself divides into two distinct and very different halves: – : German domestic and foreign policy was under the direct control of the Chancellor - Bismarck – : German domestic and foreign policy was under the direct control of the Kaiser - Wilhelm II
The New German Empire in 1871 In 1815 Germany did not exist. It was a collection of 39 states which gradually through this period were joined together to form the new country in This process of unification was (especially after 1862) largely directed by the largest of the states - Prussia and its Chancellor - Bismarck
A New Germany - or not? However, how united, German and democratic was the new state? The country had serious divisions between North and South, Catholic and Protestant, Socialists and right-wing establishment. Many claimed that it was not so much a new Germany as an enlarged Prussia, and that the apparently democratic constitution was a sham and that real power lay in the hands of the Kaiser and his Chancellor. These problems were all going to cause difficulties in the period from
The German Constitution A constitution is the set of rules by which a country is governed. The new Germany was meant to be governed by a democratic constitution. But how democratic was the new Germany?
Theory Germany had a democratic government based on a federal system where individual states had a large degree of individual freedom. Prussia’s Kaiser and Chancellor would not be in a position to dominate the country. Only control of the army and foreign policy would be in the hands of the national government in Berlin.
Reality The old rulers of Prussia, the Kaiser and its Chancellor Bismarck were very much in control of Germany. Prussia made up 60% of the land of Germany (see map on page 94 of textbook) The banking, legal and education systems of Germany were based on the old Prussian model as was the currency of the new state.
German Parliament Divided into two parts: –Reichstag - Lower House - democratically elected (universal male suffrage). Had no real powers. Controlled only the budget and military spending - voted on only every seven years.
Bundesrat - Upper House - More powerful than the Reichstag. Represented the states - Prussia had 17/58 seats (no overall majority) Changes to the constitution required only 14 votes. Prussia had the power of veto to block any measures it did not like. Bismarck was the Chairman of the Bundesrat and could manipulate and control its affairs. Bundesrat had the right to declare war. The Kaiser had the power to do so if Germany was attacked.
Summary Bundesrat - represented states - held most of the power (undemocratic). Reichstag - represented the people (democratic) Prussia was largely in control of the new Germany as a result of its size, population, economic strength and its political control of the Bundesrat and other important powers which were restricted to the Kaiser and Chancellor. The system was static - no change took place to it up to there was no democratic reform or evolution to adapt to Germany’s changing industrial, economic and social situation.