Projectile Motion Chapter 5 Lecture 2 KINE 3301 Biomechanics of Human Movement.


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Presentation transcript:

Projectile Motion Chapter 5 Lecture 2 KINE 3301 Biomechanics of Human Movement

Two balls are released simultaneously from the same height. At release both balls have an initial vertical velocity (Vy i ) of 0 m/s. The green ball has a horizontal velocity (Vx) of 0 m/s, the blue ball has a horizontal velocity (Vx) of 10 m/s, which ball hits the ground first? If the green ball weighs twice as much as the blue ball which one hits the ground first?

A diver takes off with an initial height (y i ) of 2.9 m and an initial vertical velocity (Vy i ) of 3.3 m/s, find the time (t) for the diver to go from takeoff, reach the peak and fall back down to the SAME HEIGHT as takeoff, a final height (y f ) of 2.9 m.

A diver takes off with an initial vertical velocity (Vy i ) of 6.2 m/s, find the time to the peak.

A discus falls from a peak height (y i ) of 19 m to a final height (y f ) of 0 m, find the vertical velocity of the discus when it hits the ground.

A baseball is hit with an initial vertical velocity (Vy i ) of 26 m/s and an initial height (y i ) of 1.2 m, find the height of the ball (y f ) after 4 seconds.

In the Beijing Olympics Guo Jingjing diver had a vertical velocity of −12 m/s when she was 1.8 m above the water. What was her peak height? [y i = 9.14]

A javelin is thrown with an initial height (y i ) of 1.6 m, initial vertical velocity (Vy i ) of 15 m/s and a horizontal velocity (Vx) of 18 m/s. Find peak height (y f ) [y f = m] Find time to peak [t = 1.53 sec] Find Vy f at landing, The final height (y f ) is.7 m [Vy f = −15.58 m/s] Find time down [t = 1.59 sec] Find total time in air [t = 3.12 sec] Find horizontal distance (x) [x = m]

A hitter at Fenway hits a ball with an initial height (y i ) of 1.1 m, an initial vertical velocity (Vy i ) of 27 m/s, and a horizontal velocity of (Vx) of 25 m/s. Did the ball go over the m wall that is m from home plate?

A hitter at Fenway hits a ball with an initial height (y i ) of 1.1 m, an initial velocity (Vy) of m/s at an angle of degrees. Did the ball go over the m wall that is m from home plate?