NSSLHA Meeting Fourth Meeting | December 4th
Meet someone new! Introduce yourself to someone you have never met! Find out: 1.One thing they want for Christmas 2.Which exam are they dreading the most 3. Something good that has happen to them in the past month! I am going to choose three random people to share so you better comply :)
Congratulations!! Thank you to everyone who came to the ASHA Convention! Once again we represented UC very well and brought home some chedda! Huge Shout out to Jackie Palmer & her Charge up Your Chapter team for making it all possible :) $1750!!! o $750 1st Place -Chapter Poster o $750 1st Place- Chapter donated $2100 to the ASHFoundation o $250 3rd Place- Most students registered for the ASHA Convention by Oct. 21st
Top 10 NSSLHA Members 1. Rilie Mangan 2. Maria Hardin 3. Stephanie Bare 4. Sarah Colligan 5. Danielle Shanks 6. Morgan Davis 7. Jessica Moyer 8. Alyssa Morrow 9. Danielle Fultz 10. Racheal Schafer ** Top 10 will be featured in Winter newsletter. Be sure to me any mentoring points or if you went to Orange Leaf for fundraising!
Membership Update Tote Bags & T-Shirts
Donations to SBC trips Last winter I traveled to Guatemala on a service trip with a group of UC students through the organization Serve Beyond Cincinnati. In just a couple weeks, I, as well as several other UC students, will be traveling to different states or different countries for service trips. Last year I met some of the most amazing children in Guatemala, and they changed my life more than they will ever know. I know that my trip to Peru this year will be no different, and I am so excited to meet the families that we will be doing work for. I know that all the other UC students are just as excited for their trips as well! I will never forget how excited the kids were last year in Guatemala just to receive small simple things such as sunglasses or a teddy bear. If any NSSLHA members would like to donate any kind of toys for the SBC trip goers to take on their trips and give to the children we all will be meeting, please take them to the NSSLHA filing cabinet in the French East building by Wednesday, December 11th, and you will receive a member point for doing so! If anyone has any questions about this, please do not hesitate to ask Katie or me!
Fundraising Update Thanks so much to everyone who helped out with Brunch for Lunch and Orange Leaf! Brunch for Lunch made about $120 profit! Fluency Friday wanted me Thank You!
Social Updates Ice-Skating Social -Wednesday, December 11th 7 pm at Fountain Square! $3 to Skate $3 to Rent Skates SEE YOU THERE!! :)
Newsletter -Newsletter goes out Friday! -Get your NSSLHA points to Molly! -Top Ten NSSLHA Members featured -Make sure you read it & show off what our chapter is doing!
Community Service Update Thank You!!! Little Sisters of the Poor Ronald McDonald House Into the Streets Dance With My Daddy Craft, Lunch, and Learn We will be doing another Community Service Lottery the first meeting of spring semester!
Christmas Cards During our meeting today we are going to be making Christmas cards for the residents at the Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home! Write a nice note and Christmas message. I will be delivering them with candy canes at the start of next week :)
Looking Ahead... Ice-Skating Social: Wednesday, December 7pm Next Meeting: Thursday, January 7pm Operation Smile Presentation in February CSD Spring Banquet: Friday, April 18 -Donations needed! Be on the look out for a survey about your experience with NSSLHA this semester! o We would love some feedback! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EXAMS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Holiday Cards & Holiday Cookie Contest! Create a Holiday Card for the Little Sisters of the Poor! Vote for your favorite Holiday Cookie! Rudolph:
GRE WORD OF THE DAY Vexed- frustrated/annoyed The students were so busy at the end of the year, that they became vexed after their professor assigned so many group projects.