Research Sources For your research paper you will need to find 8 sources. 7 Online sources from Databases or reliable sources i.e. government sources as approved by Mrs. North. At least 1 book source (may be used for background or historical information).
Bib (Note) Cards and Source Cards A Bib Card is a Bibliography card of your sources. These should contain all the information you need to make your Works Cited page in MLA Format. A Source Card contain either quoted or paraphrased information from your source that you would like to include in your paper. You may have one or several source cards for each source you use. You will label your Source Cards as you would label your sources in your paper i.e. (Source #).
Research Assignment You will need to turn in all of your articles, at least 8 Bib Cards, and 16 Source Cards by February 19 to Mrs. North.
Bib Card For SOURCE #1 1 Horn, Harper. To Kill a Mocking- bird. New York: Warner Books, Inc., Lets say our first source is To Kill a Mockingbird This is the correct citation and this information needs to be transferred onto your works cited page. Source #s are determined by alphabetical order. According to this card, it is the first according to alphabet and will be the first on the works cited page. This is the citation information. This information will appear exactly as is on your works cited page. AKA Bibliography.
Note Card Format (Horn) 1B You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. Author/E ditor’s Name If there is not Author/E ditor then the 1 st word of the Title goes there. 1 tells us which source this information belongs to. B tells us that it is the 2 nd piece of information from this source. This is the information that you are going to use in your paper.
Note Card for Source #1 (Horn) 1A When they finally saw him, why he hadn’t done any of those things... Atticus, he was real nice....
(Horn) 1B You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. 2 nd Note Card for Source 1
3 rd Note Card for Source 1 (Horn) 1C “Your father’s right,” she said. “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy... but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”
2 nd Bib Card Different Source 2 Jacbos, W.E. “Using Torture may be justified.” New Statesman; 7/5/2004, Vol. 133 Issue 4695, p 16, 2p. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCOHost. Austin High School-Sugar Land FBISD. 17 Feb
First Note Card for 2 nd Source (Jacobs)2A The reality is, of course, that "common sense" is not always a reliable guide. That is one reason that decisions such as when to apply torture cannot be left to just anyone.
2 nd Note Card for 2 nd Source (_____)_______ ____________________________________ ___________________________________
Jacobs is the last name of the author.
Check your card… (Jacobs)2B On the other hand, there are clearly situations in which extreme measures are needed to prevent extreme consequences.
Your Turn. Fill in for Source #3 (_____)_______ ____________________________________ ___________________________________
2 nd Note Card for 2 nd Source (Jacobs) 2B On the other hand, there are clearly situations in which extreme measures are needed to prevent extreme consequences. NOTICE NO AUTHOR OR NO EDITOR
3 rd Bib Card This source has no author or editor “Torture: Guide To Critical Analysis.” New Statesman; 7/5/2004, Vol. 133 Issue 4695, p 16, 2p. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCOHost. Austin High School-Sugar Land FBISD. 17 Feb
“Torture”3A According to members of the Bush administration, interrogation techniques being used on terrorist detainees were not "cruel, degrading, and severe“ and did not meet the definition of torture Check your Card
Pop Quiz Below are six sources, 1&2 are editors last names, 3&4 are authors, & 5&6 are title names because there was no author or editors for those sources. Please organize these sources according to Bib Card format. 1.Montgomery, 2.Meyers, 3.Cullen, 4.Black, 5.“Technology in today’s society” 6.“Technology a must for today’s youth” Out of these 6 sources, which one will be Bib Card #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6?