Kick off September 5, 2013 Copy the chart into your notebook. List the causes and effects of the rise and fall of each empire in the Fertile Crescent. Empire Causes of its Rise and Fall Hittite Assyrian Chaldean ** Please have your index cards on your desk!
Empire Causes of its Rise and Fall Hittite + military strength + new technology - Fell to Sea Peoples Assyrian + brutality - Fell because empire was too big to control Chaldean + captured Ninevah - Persians conquered Babylon
Judaism and the Persian Empire Chapter 2.2
Objectives: Day 4 Understand how the ancient Hebrews and their religion, Judaism, influenced Western civilization Analyze the kinds of cultural and political achievements made by the Persians
The Teachings of Judaism Belief in one God Known as monotheism Justice and Righteousness Treating others with kindness and fairness, and doing the right thing Obedience to the Law Ten Commandments Mosaic Law Governs how Jews pray and worship
The Persian Empire
Growth and Organization Persians were Indo-European tribe from Central Asia, settled in present-day Iran
Cyrus the Great Came to power in 559 B.C. Established one of largest ancient empires Allowed people to keep customs after conquered Tolerance won him respect Ruled the largest empire in the world at time of death in 530 B.C.
Darius I Cryus’ grandson Had to fight to restore order in Persia Reformed the army Permanent standing army of paid soldiers 10,000 Immortals Chose governors called satraps to rule parts of empire
Xerxes Son of Darius I, tried to expand on father’s success Attempted to invade Greece, failed (300) Last strong ruler of ancient Persia
Zoroastrianism Zoroaster – Founder Avesta – sacred text Monotheistic Taught that the world was created by a god named Ahura Mazda Taught dualism Belief that world is controlled by opposing forces of good and evil Spread throughout Persian empire Day of Judgement – rewarded or punished Almost disappeared when Greeks took over
Persian Achievements Shared culture = peace Communication Quality system of roads Art and Architecture City of Persepolis
Compare judaism and zoroastrianism Create a Venn-Diagram on the religion of the Persians and Israelites using page 49 and 53. Zoroastrianism Judaism In common
Egypt travel brochure Religion Daily Life Ancient Egypt Mummification & Burial Name Block Date
Geography The Old Kingdom The New Kingdom The Middle Kingdom
Travel around the room to the different stations. Egypt brochure Travel around the room to the different stations. At each station, read about a component of Ancient Egypt. Take notes (Bullet points!!) in the appropriate section of your brochure. Include a visual for each section. This will be graded!
Ticket out the door List each of the Egyptian Kingdoms and at least one thing that each kingdom is known for.