Current & Future Supplies Sub-project #3 GIS for Economic Geography & Business Decisions
Scenario Company X wishes to begin locating apartments in the Jacksonville, FL Market, however, the company is new to the area and is unaware of the current total supply of apartment, and how many apartment are planned to be built in the near future. The company does not want to build if the growth in apartment supply is greater than the growth in population by 10%.
Logic for determining apartment supply With the use of Comps.Com data, F.W.Dodge data, and the 1990 US Census data maps were created showing the locations of the current and future supply of apartments in the Jacksonville, Florida market area. Comps.Com data provides the information on the current supply of apartments. F.W.Dodge data provides “pipeline” data this data provides information on planned apartment developments. US Census data provide a base map of Florida and its Counties.
Apartment Map Links Current Supply of Apartments (Comps.Com) Future Planned Supply of Apartments (F. W. Dodge) Click on the Red or Blue Dot to view detailed mapped location of apartments both current and future.
Tabular Data Links o f Each Apartment Current Apartments (Comps.Com) Future Apartments (F.W. Dodge) Click on the Red or Blue Dot to view detailed information on each location of apartments both current and future.
Graph of Apartment Supply Growth in Jacksonville, FL All Apartments which registered either no unit data or (-1) unit data were not included in graph or in conclusion data.
Summary Currently there are 7,700 apartment units in the Jacksonville, FL market area, however by March 2001 that number will grow to almost 9,300 apartment units. This is about a 17% growth in apartment supply over a two year period. Also to note population growth* in the city will be about 3.5% over this same general time frame. With these percentages it might not be advisable for Company X to build in the Jacksonville, FL market area. *Population information is taken from the 1990 US Census projections (1997=725,000 & 2002=755,000)