1/21/2016COSC , Lecture 91 Programming Language Concepts, COSC Lecture 9 Stateful programming Object-Oriented Programming
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 2 Reminder of the Last Lecture Demand-driven execution execute computation, if variable needed need is suspension by a thread requested computation is run in new thread By-Need triggers Lazy functions Thread Semantics Extend the abstract machine to execute multiple threads
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 3 Overview Introduction to Stateful Programming: what is state? Stateful programming cells as abstract datatypes the stateful model relationship between the declarative model and the stateful model indexed collections: array model ports system building component-based programming Object-oriented programming Classes
1/21/2016COSC , Lecture 94 Maintaining State
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 5 Encapsulated State I State as a group of memory cells. Box O can remember information between independent invocations, it has a memory. Basic elements of explicit state. Index datatypes. Basic techniques and ideas of using state in program design. Group of functions and procedures that operate on the state. An Interface that hides the state. The box O
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 6 Encapsulated State II State as a group of memory cells What is the difference between implicit state and explicit state? What is the difference between state in general and encapsulated state? Component based programming and object- oriented programming Abstract data types using encapsulated state Group of functions and procedures that operate on the state An Interface that hides the state The box O
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 7 What is a State? State is a sequence of values that evolves in time and contains the intermediate results of a desired computation. Declarative programs can also have state according to this definition. Consider the following program: fun {Sum Xs A} case Xs of X|Xr then {Sum Xr A+X} [] nil then A end {Show {Sum [ ] 0}}
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 8 What is an Implicit State? The two arguments Xs and A represents an implicit state: XsA [ ]0 [2 3 4]1 [3 4]3 [4]6 nil10 fun {Sum Xs A} case Xs of X|Xr then {Sum Xr A+X} [] nil then A end {Show {Sum [ ] 0}}
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 9 What is an Explicit State? Example X an unbound variable X A cell C is created with initial value is bound to C 5 X Cell C is assigned the value is bound to 6 6 C C
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 10 What is an Explicit State? Example X an unbound variable X 5 X 6 C C The cell is a value container with a unique identity/address. X is really bound to the identity/address of the cell. When the cell is assigned, X does not change. A cell C is created with initial value is bound to C Cell C is assigned the value is bound to 6
1/21/2016COSC , Lecture 911 Cells
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 12 Cells as Abstract Datatypes C={NewCell X} creates new cell C with initial value X X={Access C} or equivalently returns current value of C {Assign C X} or equivalently C:=X assigns value of C to be X {Exchange C X Y} or equivalently X=C:=Y atomically assigns C to Y and returns old value X
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 13 Cells Are a model for explicit state. Useful in few cases on itself. Device to explain other stateful datatypes such as arrays.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 14 Examples X = {NewCell 0} {Assign X 5} Y = X {Assign Y 10} {Access X} == 10 true X == Y true X 0 X 5 Y X 10 Y
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 15 Examples X = {NewCell 0} {Assign X 5} Y = X {Exchange Y Z 10} Z is the old value of cell Y X 0 X 5 Y X 10 Y 5 Z
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 16 Examples X = {NewCell 10} Y = {NewCell 10} X == Y % returns false Because X and Y refer to different cells, with different identities {Access X} == {Access Y} returns true X 10 Y
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 17 The Model Extended with Cells w = f(x) z = person(a:y) y = 1 u = 2 x Semantic stack (Thread 1) Semantic stack (Thread n) 1: w 2: x Single-assignment store mutable store (for cells)
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 18 The Stateful Model s ::= skip empty statement | s 1 s 2 statement sequence |... | thread s 1 end thread creation | {NewCell x c } cell creation | {Exchange c x y } cell exchange
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 19 The stateful model | {NewCell x c } cell creation | {Exchange c x y } cell exchange Exchange : Unify (bind) x to the old value of c and set the content of the cell c to y proc {Assign C X} {Exchange C _ X} end fun {Access C} local X in {Exchange C X X} X end end NewCell : Create a new cell c with initial content x
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 20 Modular Programs A system (program) is modular if changes (updates) in the program are confined to the components where the functionality is changed. Here is an example where the introduction of an explicit state in a well confined way leads to program modularity compared to programs that are written using only the declarative model (where every component is a function).
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 21 Encapsulated State I Assume we have three persons: P, U1 and U2 P is a programmer that developed a component M that provides two functions F and G U1 and U2 are system builders that use the component M fun {MF} fun {F...} Definition of F end fun {G...} Definition of G end in 'export'(f:F g:G) end M = {MF}
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 22 Encapsulated State II Assume we have three persons: P, U1 and U2 P is a programmer that developed a component M that provides two functions F and G U1 and U2 are system builders that use the component M functor MF export f:F g:G define fun {F...} Definition of F end fun {G...} Definition of G end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 23 Encapsulated State III User U2 has a demanding application. He wants to extend the module M to enable him to monitor how many times the function F is invoked in his application. He goes to P, and asks him to do so without changing the interface to M. fun {M} fun {F...} Definition of F end fun {G...} Definition of G end in 'export' (f:F g:G) end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 24 Encapsulated State IV This cannot be done in the declarative model, because F cannot remember its previous invocations. The only way to do it there is to change the interface to F by adding two extra arguments FIn and FOut fun {F... +FIn ?FOut} FOut = FIn+1... end The rest of the program always remembers the previous number of invocations ( FIn and FOut ) returns the new number of invocation. But this changes the interface!
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 25 fun {MF} X = {NewCell 0} fun {F...} {Assign X {Access X}+1} Definition of F end fun {G...} Definition of G end fun {Count} {Access X} end in ’export’(f:F g:G c:Count) end M = {MF} Encapsulated State V A cell is created when MF is called. Due to lexical scoping the cell is only visible to the created version of F and Count. The M.f did not change. New function M.c is available. X is hidden, it is only visible inside M (encapsulated state).
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 26 Relationship between the Declarative Model and the Stateful Model Declarative programming guarantees by construction that each procedure computes a function. This means each component (and subcomponent) is a function. It is possible to use encapsulated state (cells) so that a component is declarative from outside, and stateful from the inside. Considered as a black-box the program procedure is still a function.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 27 Declarative versus Stateful 1 or 2, followed by a “ failure unification ” 0, 1, or 2 depending on the order of threads execution Declarative: declare X thread X=1 end thread X=2 end {Browse X} Stateful declare X={NewCell 0} thread X:=1 end thread X:=2 end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 28 Programs with Accumulators local fun {Sum1 Xs A} case Xs of X|Xr then {Sum1 Xr X+A} [] nil then A end in fun {Sum Xs} {Sum1 Xs 0} end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 29 Programs with Accumulators fun {Sum Xs} fun {Sum1 Xs A} case Xs of X|Xr then {Sum1 Xr X+A} [] nil then A end in {Sum1 Xs 0} end fun {Sum Xs} fun {Sum1 Xs} case Xs of X|Xr then {Assign A X+{Access A}} {Sum1 Xr} [] nil then {Access A} end A = {NewCell 0} in {Sum1 Xs} end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 30 Programs with Accumulators fun {Sum Xs} fun {Sum1 Xs} case Xs of X|Xr then {Assign A X+{Access A}} {Sum1 Xr} [] nil then {Access A} end A = {NewCell 0} in {Sum1 Xs} end fun {Sum Xs} A = {NewCell 0} in {ForAll Xs proc {$ X} {Assign A X+{Access A}} end} {Access A} end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 31 Programs with Accumulators fun {Sum Xs} A = {NewCell 0} in {ForAll Xs proc {$ X} {Assign A X+{Access A}} end} {Access A} end fun {Sum Xs} A = {NewCell 0} in for X in Xs do {Assign A X+{Access A}} end {Access A} end The state is encapsulated inside each procedure invocation.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 32 Indexed Collections Indexed collections groups is a set of (partial) values. The individual elements are accessible through an index. The declarative model provides: tuples, e.g., date(17 december 2001) records, e.g., date(day:17 month:december year:2001) We can now add state to the fields: arrays dictionaries
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 33 Arrays An array is a mapping from integers to (partial) values. The domain is a set of consecutive integers, with a lower bound and an upper bound. The range can be mutated (change). A good approximation is to think of arrays as a tuple of cells.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 34 Array Model Simple array: fields indexed from 1 to n values can be accessed, assigned, and exchanged. Model: tuple of cells.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 35 Arrays A={NewArray L H I} creates an array with fields from L to H all fields are initialized to value I X={ArrayAccess A N} returns value at position N in array A {ArrayAssign A N X} sets the value at position N to X in array A {ArrayExchange A N X Y} exchanges the value at position N in A from X to Y
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 36 Example 1 A = {MakeArray L H F} Creates an array A where for each index I is mapped to {F I} fun {MakeArray L H F} A = {NewArray L H unit} in for I in L..H do A.I := {F I} end A end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 37 Array2Record R = {Array2Record L A} Defines a function that takes a label L and an array A, it returns a record R whose label is L and whose features are from the lower bound of A to the upper bound of A. We need to know how to make a record R = {Record.make L Fs} Creates a record R with label L and a list of features (selector names), returns a record with distinct fresh variables as values. L = {Array.low A} and H = {Array.high A} Return lower bound and higher bound of array A.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 38 Array2Record. Example fun {Array2Record LA A} L = {Array.low A} H = {Array.high A} R = {Record.make LA {From L H}} in for I in L..H do R.I = A.I end R end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 39 Tuple to Array. Example fun {Tuple2Array T} H = {Width T} in {MakeArray 1 H fun{$ I} T.I end} end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 40 Indexed Collections Tuple Array Record Dictionary Add stateAdd atoms as indices Add state Add atoms as indices stateless collection stateful collection
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 41 Parameter Passing Variety of parameter passing mechanisms can be simulated using cells, e.g.: Call by Variable (in some languages this is also called ‘Call by Reference’ as it is passing identities) Call by Value Call by Value-Result Call by Name Call by Need
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 42 Call by Variable Identity of cell is passed. proc {Sqr A} end local C={NewCell 0} in C:=5 {Sqr C} end 36 will be displayed.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 43 Call by Value A value is passed and put into a local cell. proc {Sqr A} D={NewCell A} in end local C={NewCell 0} in C:=5 end 5 will be displayed.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 44 Call by Value-Result A value is passed into local cell on entry of method, and passed out on exit of method. proc {Sqr A} in end local C={NewCell 0} in C:=5 {Sqr C} end 36 will be displayed.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 45 Call by Name It creates a procedure value for each argument. Each time the argument is needed, the procedure value is evaluated. It returns the name of a cell, i.e., the address of a mutable variable. proc {Sqr A} end local C={NewCell 0} in C:=5 {Sqr fun {$} C end} end 36 will be displayed.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 46 Call by Need The function is called once and used multiple times. proc {Sqr A} D={A} in end local C={NewCell 0} in C:=5 {Sqr fun {$} C end} end 36 will be displayed.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 47 System Building Abstraction is the best tool to build complex systems. Complex systems are built by layers of abstractions. Each layer has two parts: Specification, and Implementation Any layer uses the specification of the lower layer to implement its functionality.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 48 Properties Needed to Support the Principle of Abstraction Encapsulation Hide internals from the interface. Compositionality Combine parts to make new parts. Instantiation/invocation Create new instances of parts.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 49 Component-Based Programming Supports Encapsulation Compositionality Instantiation
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 50 Object-Oriented Programming Supports Encapsulation Compositionality Instantiation Plus Inheritance
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 51 Component-Based Programming “Good software is good in the large and in the small, in its high level architecture and in its low-level details”. In ‘Object-oriented software construction’ by Bernard Meyer What is the best way to build big applications? A large application is (almost) always built by a team. How should the team members communicate? This depends on the application’s structure (architecture). One way is to structure the application as a hierarchical graph.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 52 Component-Based Programming Interface Component instance External world
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 53 Component-Based Design Team members are assigned individual components. Team members communicate at the interface. A component, can be implemented as a record that has a name, and a list of other component instances it needs, and a higher-order procedure that returns a component instance with the component instances it needs. A component instance has an interface and an internal entity that serves the interface.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 54 Model Independence Principle As the system evolves, a component implementation might change or even the model changes: declarative (functional) stateful sequential concurrent, or relational. The interface of a component should be independent of the computation model used to implement the component. The interface should depend only on the externally visible functionality of the component.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 55 What Happens at the Interface? The power of the component based infrastructure depends to a large extent on the expressiveness of the interface. How does components communicate with each others? We have three possible cases: The components are written in the same language. The components are written in different languages. The components are written in different computation model.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 56 Components in the Same Language This is easy. In Mozart/Oz, component instances are modules (records whose fields contain the various services provided by the component-instance part). In Java, interfaces are provided by objects (method invocations of objects). In Erlang, component instances are mainly concurrent processes (threads), communication is provided by sending asynchronous messages.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 57 Components in Different Languages An intermediate common language is defined to allow components to communicate given that the language provides the same computation model. A common example is CORBA IDL (Interface Definition Language) which maps a language entity to a common format at the client component, and does the inverse mapping at the service-provider component. The components normally reside on different operating system processes (or even on different machines). This approach works if the components are relatively large and the interaction is relatively infrequent.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 58 Illustration (one way) A component C1 calling the function (method) f(x) in the component C2 Translate f(x) from language L1 (structured data) to IDL (sequence of bytes) Translate f(x) from language IDL (sequence of bytes) to language L2 (structured data) A component C2 invoking the function (method) f(x)
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 59 Object-oriented programming We present a rich style in program structure based on a collection of stateful entities (abstract data types) Most popular current representatives are C++ and Java An object-oriented design model Principle programming techniques Relation to other models (higher order programming, component based programming, functional) Case-study in object-oriented language (based on Mozart/Oz)
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 60 Inheritance Programs can be built in hierarchical structure from data abstractions that depend on other data abstractions (Components) Object-oriented programming (inheritance) is based on the idea that data abstractions have much in common Example: sequences (stacks, lists, queues) Object oriented programming builds data abstractions incrementally, this is done by inheritance. A data abstraction can be defined to ”inherit” from another abstract datatype, have substantially the same functionality of the other abstract datatype. Only the difference between a data abstraction and its ancestor has to be specified.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 61 What is object-oriented programming? OOP (Object-oriented programming) = encapsulated state + inheritance Object An entity with unique identity that encapsulate state A state can be accessed in a controlled way from outside The access is provided by means of methods (procedures that can directly access the internal state) Class A specification of objects in an incremental way By inheriting from other classes And specifying how its objects (instances) differ from the objects of the inherited classes.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 62 Instances (objects) Interface (what methods are available) State (attributes) Procedures (methods)
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 63 Classes as complete specification of a data abstraction We start our case study elements of a class (members) attributes (mutable instance variables) features (stateless info about objects) methods
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 64 Classes (syntax simple) A class is a statement: class ClassVariable attr AttrName1 : AttrNameN meth Pattern1 Statement end : meth PatternM Statement end end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 65 Classes (syntax simplified) A class is also a value of an expression position: class $ attr AttrName1 : AttrNameN meth Pattern1 Statement end : meth PatternM Statement end end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 66 Classes in Oz The class Counter has the syntactic form: class Counter attr val meth browse end meth inc(Value) val + Value end meth init(Value) val := Value end end
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 67 Attributes of Classes The class Counter has the syntactic form: class Counter attr val meth browse end meth inc(Value) val + Value end meth init(Value) val := Value end end val is an attribute: a modifiable cell that is accessed by the atom val
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 68 Attributes of classes The class Counter has the syntactic form: class Counter attr val meth browse end meth inc(Value) val + Value end meth init(Value) val := Value end end the attribute val is accessed by the
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 69 Attributes of classes The class Counter has the syntactic form: class Counter attr val meth browse end meth inc(Value) val + Value end meth init(Value) val := Value end end the attribute val is assigned by the operator := as val :=...
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 70 Methods of classes The class Counter has the syntactic form: class Counter attr val meth browse end meth inc(Value) val + Value end meth init(Value) val := Value end end Methods are Statements and the method head is a record (tuple) pattern.
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 71 Example The following shows how an object is created from a class using the procedure New/3, whose first argument is the class, the second is the initial method, and the result is the object. New/3 is a generic procedure for creating objects from classes. declare C = {New Counter init(0)} {C browse} {C inc(1)} {C browse}
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 72 A class X is defined by: class X... end Attributes are defined using the attribute-declaration part before the method-declaration part: attr A 1... A N Then follows the method declarations, each has the form: meth E end The expression E evaluates to a method head, which is a record whose label is the method name. Summary: object-oriented programming
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 73 An attribute A is accessed An attribute is assigned a value using A := E A class can be defined as a value: X = class $... end Summary: object-oriented programming
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 74 Summary Introduction to Stateful Programming: what is state? Stateful programming cells as abstract datatypes the stateful model relationship between the declarative model and the stateful model indexed collections: array model ports system building component-based programming Object-oriented programming Classes
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 75 Reading suggestions From [van Roy,Haridi; 2004] Chapter 6, Sections , 6.5, 6.7 Exercises Chapter 7, Sections Exercises
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 76 Coming up next Relational Programming Chapter 9, sections Constraints Programming Chapter 12, sections
1/21/2016 COSC , Lecture 9 77 Thank you for your attention! Questions?