May 1844 Sayyid ‘Ali Muhammad claims to be the Bab (gate) to the 12th Imam Babis 1848 The Bab is imprisoned. Claims to be the 12th Imam and to bring new revelation 8th/9th July 1850 The Bab is executed. Persecution of Babis follows
1853 Mirza Husayn ‘Ali (Baha’u’llah [“Glory of God,” ]) is imprisoned in Siyah-Chal (the Black Pit) in Tehran, begins to have visions Released after four months but exiled to Ottoman Baghdad Kalimat-i-Maknunih (The Hidden Words, c. 1858) Kitab-i-Iqan (The Book of Certitude, 1862)
1863 Baha’u’llah travels to Istanbul, then exiled to Edirne 1868 Baha’u’llah moved to ‘Akka 1877 Baha’u’llah settles outside ‘Akka 29th May 1892 Death of Baha’u’llah
‘Abdu’l-Baha ( ) Travels Letters Spread of faith
Shoghi Effendi ( ) Administration Letters Translations to English (married Canadian!)
1957 Power passes to Hands of the Cause of God 1963 Election of the first members of the Universal House of Justice
Major Baha’i principles: 1. Oneness of God Same being worshipped by other faiths 2. Oneness of humanity Rejection of racism/sexism. Mission of world unity 3. Oneness of religion Manifestations of God. Progressive revelation
Humans: Immortal, rational soul Life and afterlife. Spiritual development Question of physical desires Respect for the body Humans as social creatures Importance of moderation
Other Baha’i teachings: Personal search for truth Science and religion Universal education Need for economic justice but preference for consultation over politics Secular and religious life. 19-Day Feasts
Local spiritual assemblies National spiritual assemblies Universal House of Justice