Giant Panda
Milu Deer
South China tiger
Golden Monkey
What problem are they faced with? They are dying out! They are endangered!
Reading How Daisy learned to help wildlife
Fast reading tasks : who what where what Daisy She had a magical travel. Tibet, Zimbabwe, rainforest antelope, elephant, monkey
Main idea of the text: Daisy made a magical travel to three places by ______________,where she met___________________ like antelope, ________ and__________. From her experience we know the ___________of wildlife protection. a flying carpet three kinds of animals elephant monkey importance
Careful reading: Fill in the blanks according to the text. The first stop Purpose: Situation: Result: To see some endangered animals. They are being hunted for the wool beneath their stomachs. Numbers are decreasing rapidly.
Main idea: Why we need wild life protection. Paragraph1:
The second stop Purpose: Situation: Result: to go to a place with wildlife protection. They used to be hunted while now being protected by farmers. Their numbers are increasing and farmers make much money.
Paragraph 2 Main idea: A good example of wildlife protection.
The third stop What was the monkey doing? What did the monkey tell to Daisy? The monkey was rubbing itself with a millipede. The monkey told Daisy that we should pay attention to the forest where they live. It also said that no rainforest, no animals, no drugs.
Paragraph 3&4 Main idea: We should pay much attention to wildlife protection and keep the balance of nature.
Retell the story A little girl named Daisy had a wonderful travel by______________. She first came to ______where she saw ____________.The antelope told her they were hunted because of their _____which can be used to make ________like hers. As a result, they are ___________Later, she ______to ____________where she talked with a flying carpet Tibet an antelope fur sweaters dying out. flew Zimbabwe
an _________and got to know the farmers there no longer ______them. That’s because the__________ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of ______.At last she _______at the thick rain ______where a monkey told her” No rain forest,no_______ and no _____.”Although finally everything ___________,she had________so much! elephant killed government moneyarrived forest animals drugs had gong learned
Role play: Act the story out.
Discussion: What should we do to protect wildlife?
Measures to protect the endangered animals: 1.Protect the environment. 2.Build conservation zones. 3.Make laws to forbid people to kill endangered animals. 4.Collect money to protect them. 5. Tell the others the importance of wildlife protection.
Homework: writing How to protect the endangered animals?
Thank you very much!