Courses available to you and what they could lead onto Collages by Meg Goatley
Barton pevril Barton is a collage that can give you the knowledge that you need to help be successful in life and has a wide variety of courses that help you to decide what you want to do as a future job and get qualifications for!. Such as computing, dance, drama and theatre studies as well as music, law and photography and many more and this connects to computing because if you took photography you could learn to photo shop and use different software to help you get a better grade.
Southampton city collage City collage educates you in the best of their ability's by giving you a variety of options for you to take us in your future job e.g. Performing Arts Science Sport, Leisure and Public Services and lots more. They focus more on p.e and sports by can be linked to computing because if you take accounting, business e.c.t. you could make spread sheets and documents to present ideas.
Fareham college Fareham collage focuses on getting you further in life with the career you want to take by giving you courses like… Art Beauty Fashion media as well as gaming and computing for Practitioners and users to get you further ahead with different categories in computing topics so for example if you took fashion you could design on the computer e.c.t.