1 Two Places to Enter Time My Tasks (Project Plans, Proposals and Activity Plans) My Timesheets (Periods and Administrative Time)
2 Three Ways To Track Task Actuals (Updates)
3 My Tasks First: Percent work complete and perception of remaining work
4 My Tasks Second: Actual time spent (enter months, weeks, days, hours, minutes in the Progress field) and perception of work remaining. You can add the Remaining Work field to this view.
5 My Tasks Last: Actual time spent per time period (Timesheet from the Progress field) and perception of remaining work
6 Points of Interest: Current Tasks Tasks that: Should have been started Are in progress Will start in the next 10 business days Completed tasks whose finish date is < 10 days in the past Select View Options Uncheck Show Only Current Tasks to view all tasks A B Note: Do not delete finished tasks, you can not hide them, the system hides tasks when the finish date is more than 10 business days in the past
7 Points of Interest: Color of Finish Field Orange: Within the current week Pink: Late, not completed and current date is later than scheduled finish White: Future, finish date is later than the current week A
8 Points of Interest: Indicators Green line and indicates a new assignment record Orange line and indicate that you have saved update information but the project manager has republished those tasks with different information and there is a conflict, that has been resolved by the PM’s publish. (Note: By submitting updates the PM is forced to deal with the update before new information can be published for a record.) A B
9 Points of Interest: Indicators Clip board with check mark and little clock means that the assignment has been updated by Project Manager Yellow notepad means that there is a note from the Project Manager entered for the task (PM enters in the task notes field in Microsoft Project) Smaller orange exclamation mark to the right of a task indicates that you have an updated assignment but have not submitted to Project Manager for approval A B C
10 Points of Interest: Indicators and Deleted Tasks Rejected assignment updates by the Project Manager or Status Manager Deleted tasks that have not been approved by the Status Manager or Project Manager. Note: Task III has been deleted once, rejected by the PM and then deleted again. A B
11 Comment on Updates If a Team Member sends a task assignment the Project Manager has to deal with the update record before they can make changes and publish the project. However, after processing pending actuals they can overwrite assignment records unless you restrict updates to Project Web Access
12 Becoming an Assignment Owner The Project Manager can give the assignment ownership (another resource updates in PWA) of enterprise resource assignments, generic resource assignments and material resource assignments. They can do this by first making the assignment to the task then going to the Task Usage view in MSP and inserting the Assignment Owner column, and then selecting the owner from the list of resources on that project team. A B C
13 Assignment Ownership in PWA This resource (farmadmin) is assigned to four tasks in 1 Project Plan, and is the assignment ownership for Rob Barker, Paula Bento, Electrical Engineer (Generic Resource) and Automated Packager (Material Resource)
14 Becoming the Status Manager (called Approval Manager in PWA) By default, the Status Manager (the person who approves assignment updates) is the Project Owner (PM who created the project). But any resource who has status permission, can open the project and make themselves the Status Manager for the project or for just a task by selecting their name in the Status Manager field and publishing the project.
15 Best Place to Update Task: Assignment Details Click on the task name in My Tasks to open the Assignment Details page. If you are using the actual work and perception of remaining work tracking method, enter completed work, start and finish dates for work, and estimate of remaining work. A
16 Best Place to Update Task: Assignment Details If you are using the actual work per time period and perception of remaining work tracking method, enter completed work (no reason to enter start and finish dates for work), and estimate of remaining work.
17 Best Place to Update Task: Assignment Details You can also see Transaction Comments and Task History. When a Team Member send updates or when a Status Manager approves or rejects pending actuals they can choose to leave a transaction comment. Attachments are links to issues, risks and documents in the project workspace Contacts is the Project Owner, Status Manager (Approval Manager) and project team Related Assignments are task predecessors or successors Notes is information entered in the task record by the PM or team members assigned.
18 Other Task Activities Reassign Work (Task Reassignment: assigning your work to other people) Self-Assigning Team Tasks (may work with athletic teams but uncommon in corporate environment) Import Timesheet (Import entry data related to task assignments from your Timesheet) Creating new tasks Creating an Activity plan
19 Other Task Activities: Reassign Work Select the resource to reassign work. Resources shown are part of the resource team for that project Select the start date for the work Enter a comment. Comments are part of the transaction comments for that record In My Tasks the task is deleted and must be selected and submitted for approval A B C
20 Other Task Activities: Self-assign Team Tasks PM assigns a “team” resource to the task All resources part of that team gets the task assignment, but are not actually assigned - yet Assignment occurs when a resource self-assigns, (like that would ever happen) submits the assignment and that assignment is approved. A B C A B C
21 Other Task Activities: Import Timesheet Timesheet entry for Task 2 of 1 Project Plan of 16 hours across two days A
22 Other Task Activities: Import Timesheet In My Task select Import Timesheet to open the import page Note: the 16 hours entered for Task 2. Select the Timesheet and then select Import. Note: in My Tasks, Task 2 now is showing 2 days (16 hours) of work. Select and Submit for approval. B C B C
23 Other Task Activities: Create New Tasks In My Task select New, and then Task A A
24 Other Task Activities: Create New Tasks In the New Task page, select the project and perhaps summary task you want to insert the new task Enter the name of the task, and maybe start/finish dates and transaction comments B C B A
25 Other Task Activities: Create New Tasks The new task shows up in the My Task page If accepted by the Status Manager, the task is inserted in the MSP project plan with the resource assigned at 100% and with a Start No Earlier Than constraint based on the start date entered A B B A B