My Trip to Rome Italy Digital Story by: Don Rea
My trip to Rome Italy was a trip I can’t forget.
I got to go on an overnight plane-ride there.
When We arrived, we got somebody from the Airport Express to drive us to our hotel. Then we were free to go walking around the City of Rome.
Rome had short buildings and parking machines all over. All of the buildings looked old, because they were.
Our first stop was the downtown Pizza Place which was where we had our lunch.
Then we visited an ice cream place just a few blocks away. Ohh, the ice cream was great!
Finally, we went to the downtown store, (Desparo) and there were all these items you couldn’t find in America!
The next day we visited one of the most famous places in the world, The Coliseum!
There were a lot of cats inside and a torn down maze from the year 80.
We also visited the fountain of Trevi that day. I threw a coin in over my right shoulder. People say that if you do that, you are guaranteed to come back some day.
Finally, we visited the Mouth of Truth. It is a face of a rock on a wall. You are supposed to place your hand inside its mouth. There is a legend that says that if you tell a lie while you have your hand in its mouth, it will bite it off!
When I put my hand in its mouth, I told a lie. I knew it wasn’t going to bite it off because the inside of its mouth was smooth stone.
At last the time came when we had to leave. It was a very fun trip and it wasn’t even done. We were only leaving Rome for the rest of our trip so we could visit family.
My trip to Rome Italy was a trip I can’t forget.