Project Log Marta Kaptur
Getting Organised At the beginning of the ‘Wildcare project’ I went to the Edexcel Dida website, of how to get organised and complete the tasks expected. I had to include: 1.A folder with an appropriate name to do with the project to include all my work inside. 2.Make a sources table 3.Choose a test buddy (which will give feedback on each piece of work)
Planning The next step that I did was create an initial plan, these were the next instructions on the website. This plan helped me keep on track with all my work, and it would outline all the tasks which I had to complete throughout the project with dates included, (what I would do each lesson) and finally the time it would take me to complete the task. Throughout the project I made the ‘initial plan’ into an ‘Ongoing plan’.
Database As part of the Wildcare project the next step was to create a database of all the animals available for adoption. Evidence of my database work and importing new record can be found in my eportfolio, in the “Wildcare Database” section.
Membership Fees The next part of the project that I had to complete was to create membership fees for the types of Wildcare trust membership (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Teen and Kids). I created a spread sheet on excel and through this, I found the values of the prices and fees, by working out formulae and calculations. I had to find the final fee by working out different values. I also researched other animal care charities to find practical prices which were reasonable and suitable for Wildcare teens and kids. Evidence of these fees are found in the Membership fees section of my eportfolio.
Membership pack Next, I had to produce 4 publications in the Membership pack for it to be complete. This pack would be sent to anyone which was a member of the Wildcare trust it is an introduction of what the Wildcare trust is about. The publications included: 1.Membership card, 2.Leaflet, 3.Sample reports, 4.Pack Folder These publications can also be found in my eportfolio under publications.
Presentation The final part of the project and final publication was a presentation which included information about the Wildcare Trust it also tells the user how to join. It was also important that the presentation was suitable and met the needs of the target audience which was mostly young adults (young people) and teenagers. My final presentation is also in my eportfolio under ‘Publications’