Renaissance: Italy and Northern Europe Ch 1 & 2
I. Why was Italy the Center of the Renaissance (3 reasons) A. City-States – City had become very wealthy due to trade
B. Merchants and the Medici – 1. Merchants felt they deserved power. (Individual Achievement) 2. Medici Family spread wealth throughout Florence
C. Looking to Greece and Rome – Inspiration from Rome and re-reading Latin transcripts
II. Classical and New Values A. Humanism – Focus on Human Achievement and Potential B. Worldly Pleasures – Expensive clothes, nice art, large houses C. Church Leaders spent large sums of money on art D. Renaissance Man – Master all areas of study E. Renaissance Woman – Inspire art, not create it
III. Renaissance Art A. Perspective – 3D art
B. Donatello – Realistic sculptures in Natural Poses
C. Michelangelo – Sistine Chapel, David
D. Leonardo da Vinci– Sculptor, Painter, Scientist Inventor
E. Raphael – Famous 4 use of Perspective. Followed the other 3
IV. Renaissance Writers A. Boccaccio – Decameron (pg 42) B. Machiavelli – How to be King: (The Prince) Its better to be feared than loved C. Colonna – Female writer who expressed her feelings of love in poems