Welcome everyone to Large Group worship! Introduce the Connect Question Connect Question: What is something you own that would be hard to give away? Turn to the person next to you and share your answer!
Worship Time:
We’ve been celebrating a LOT these past few weeks! Today, we are going to celebrate even more, because it’s time to play ZONK!! Tech: Cue Zonk Title Video/Image Allow for a few moments of cheering/craziness before explaining the rules.
For those of us who don’t know yet, I’m going to explain the rules. Everyone, make sure you’re paying attention! 1. We will split into 2 teams once the rules are explained. 2. Once a question is asked, each team discusses their answer, then sends a representative up to guess the correct answer.
3. Teams who answer correctly will get to choose a points card. Mixed in with points cards are ZONK! cards. If a ZONK! is drawn, you’ll have to choose a Challenge card. 4. The whole team must complete the challenge before the game moves on to the next question.
5. After I’ve asked all of the questions, the team with the most points wins! 6. During a challenge activity, when you hear me count down, you need to return to your seats right away, before I get to zero, so we can continue the game! Sound good? Great! - Lets get started! (Questions are on the monitor, answers will be on the big screen only)
1) Throughout The Big God Story, how did God tell people about His plan to send His Son, Jesus? a. Through covenants made with people in The Big God Story b. Through messages given to prophets c. Through a promise given to Adam and Eve as they left the garden d. All of the above
2) When Zechariah didn’t believe what the angel told him—that his wife would have a son in her old age—God: a. Took away Zechariah’s ability to speak b. Made Zechariah blind c. Disappeared d. Made him do 50 push-ups
3) What was the name of Zechariah’s son—the one who prepared the way for the Messiah? 4) When the angel visited Mary, he told her: a. She would be a prophetess b. She would be a queen c. She would give birth to the Son of God d. She was going to marry Joseph
5) The baby God created in Mary’s womb was: a. Jesus b. The promised Redeemer c. The Messiah d. All of the above
6) Hearing the news that she had been chosen to give birth to the Savior of the world, Mary responded by: a. Throwing a temper tantrum b. Agreeing to God’s plan c. Passing out in shock d. Running to go tell Joseph
7) (DOUBLE POINTS) King Herod asked the wise men to report back to him where they found Jesus because: a. He wanted to go and worship Jesus too b. He was interested in studying the star that was leading them c. He was looking for a new vacation destination d. He wanted to destroy any threat to his power
8) (DOUBLE POINTS) True or False: An angel in a dream told Joseph to get up in the night and take his family to Jerusalem because their lives were in danger. 9) True or False: Ruth returned to her homeland when her mother-in-law, Naomi, told her to go.
10) The word redeem means: a. To buy back b. To give your best c. To miss the mark d. To stub your toe Tally up points (hopefully you kept track) and have everyone applaud the winning team! Tech: Cue Main Slide
That was fun! So, today we are going to Celebrate in a traditional way that God’s people have for a very long time. One of the Jewish festivals was called the Festival of First Fruits. Every year, the Israelites celebrated the Passover to remember God’s faithfulness to His people. Later that same week, the Israelites celebrated the Festival of First Fruits to remember that God is trustworthy.
It was the beginning of the harvest season, and the Israelites gathered the first grain harvested into a bundle, called a sheaf. Have kids practice saying “sheaf” The priests waved this sheaf before the Lord. Each time the Israelites celebrated this festival, they remembered that God always provided for them through the crops and that they could trust Him to provide for all of their needs.
Introduce the REMEMBER time by asking children to start thinking about their experiences the past several weeks. 11/29 - God Prepares the Way: Several weeks ago, we heard how God prepared the hearts of His people throughout The Big God Story to receive His Son, Jesus. How has God prepared you to receive Him?
12/6 - The Lord Will Provide: God keeps His promises as He provides for His people! It’s such good news. How has God provided for His people? For us? How has God provide for you or your family recently? 12/13—12/27 - Jesus Is the Promise: At Christmas we are thankful because God fulfilled His promise by sending Jesus to restore our relationship with Him. What else are you thankful for?
1/3 - God Is Redeemer: The word “redeem” means to “buy back.” How did Jesus buy us back from sin? 1: What does it mean to be trustworthy? 2: How has God shown Himself to be trustworthy in The Big God Story? 3: How has God been trustworthy in your life?
Close in prayer. The Feast of First Fruits was the start of Israel’s grain harvest. The people would bring in the first harvest of barley, gather a bundle of grain and wave it as an offering before the Lord. He was the source of their blessings and they could trust Him to provide for their every need. Today we are going to create a wave offering at our Celebration Station.
Introduce CELEBRATION Stations: 1: Worship 2: Snack 3: Wave Offering (Instructions for the wave offering are on the tables) Tech: Cue Worship Music Give everyone time to go to the stations before dismissing them downstairs by grade for Blessing and pickup