İNGİLİZCE GRAMER THERE IS THERE ARE (+) There is a man over there. There are apples on the tree. (-) There isn’t a man. There aren’t any apples. (?) Is there a man? Are there any apples? (-, ?) Isn’t there a man? Aren’t there any apples?
“THERE IS/ THERE ARE” NEREDE KULLANILIR Bir şey varsa, mevcutsa; There is a cat on the table. There are mountains in Turkey. There is some milk in the fridge. There are six eggs in the fridge.
THERE IS There is a cat in this picture. There is one cat in this picture.
THERE IS There is a scientist in this picture. There is one scientist this picture.
“THERE ARE” There are two cats in this picture.
“THERE ARE” There are 81 cities in Turkey.
“THERE ARE” There are a lot of people in Korea.
“COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS” İngilizce’de isimler çoğul olma durumlarına göre sayılabilirler veya sayılamazlar. Sayılabilenlere “countable” sayılamayanlara “uncountable” isimler denir” UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS YİYECEKLERİN ÇOĞU Butter Meat Olive Bread cheese
“COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS” İngilizce’de isimler çoğul olma durumlarına göre sayılabilirler veya sayılamazlar. Sayılabilenlere “countable” sayılamayanlara “uncountable” isimler denir” UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS SIVILAR Sunflower oil Water Beer Wine
“COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS” İngilizce’de isimler çoğul olma durumlarına göre sayılabilirler veya sayılamazlar. Sayılabilenlere “countable” sayılamayanlara “uncountable” isimler denir” UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS GENEL ADLAR FURNITURE MONEY LUGGAGE
“COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS” Uncountable isimler önlerine “a” veya “an”; herhangi bir rakam alamazlar. Bu isimlerin miktarlarını “some” ve “any” kullanarak belirtiriz. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS There is some cheese. (Biraz peynir var) There isn’t any furniture in her house. (Evinde hiç mobilya yok.) Is there any water to drink? (İçmek için hiç su var mı?)
“COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS” Sayılabilen isimler çoğulları olan ve tane ile sayılabilen isimlerdir. COUNTABLE NOUNS Bananas Apples Eggs Boys
“COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS” UNCOUNTABLE NOUNSCOUNTABLE NOUNS One bananaTwo bananas An appleSome apples One eggAny eggs (-) There is an egg. There are some eggs. There aren’t any eggs. Are there any eggs? Beer some beer any beer (-,?) A glass of beer Oil some oil any oil (-, ?) A bottle of oiltwo bottles of oil Money some money any money A bag of money There is some money. There isn’t any money. Is there any money?
PRACTICE EKRAN BELİRECEK CÜMLELERİ YÜKSEK SESLE TEKRAR EDİN There are 18 students in our class.There is some news on TV. There are 6 continents in the world.There are a lot of countries in the world. There is a picture of Ataturk in the classroom.There are many touristic places in Turkey.
PRACTICE RESİMLERE UYGUN DÜŞECEK THERE IS/THERE ARE CÜMLELERİ YAPALIM There are six continents.There is a sniper. There are three cavemen. There is a wheel.
Is there There is Is there There are Are there There are Is there There is
PRACTICE BOŞLUKLARI UYGUN KELİMELERLE DOLDURUN There isn’t …………….milk in the fridge. There are ……………..people on the streets. ……………. any furniture in the house? ……………. enough chairs for everyone? …………….. any money in my wallet. How many chairs …………… in this classroom? How much oil ……………….. in Saudi Arabia? any some/many Is there Are there There isn’t are there is there
PRACTICE OKUL HAKKINDA CÜMLELER YAZ This is the Ataturk Primary School in Akkışla. It is not a very big school. Following are statistics about the school: Manager…………….1 Teachers…………….8 Girls …………………127 Boys …………………133 Classrooms ……… English Teachers….. 0 Computers ………… 2 There is a manager in this school.There are eight teachers.There are 127 girls.There are 133 boys. There are 260 students. There are 11 classrooms There are no English Teachers. There aren’t enough computers. There are only two computers.
PRACTICE How many letters are there in the box? 3 letters. B-O-X. How many states are there in the USA? 52. How many stars are there in 5 Turkish Flags? 5.
PRACTICE EKRAN BELİRECEK CÜMLELERİ İÇİNİZDEN TEKRAR EDİN There are 18 students in our class.There is some news on TV. There are 6 continents in the world.There are a lot of countries in the world. There is a picture of Ataturk in the classroom.There are many touristic places in Turkey.