FPGA CAD 10-MAR-2003
Content FPGA CAD design flow; Placement; Routing. (top ten hottest VLSI CAD problems)
FPGA Design Flow Designing with FPGAs is much like the ASICs technology. The Computer Aided Design (CAD) software provided by the FPGA vendor or third part is used to convert the given digital circuit (schematic or a high level description in VHDL or Verilog) into a stream of bits, which is then used to download to the FPGA.
CAD Tools Max+Plus
A Typical FPGA CAD Flow Logic Optimization Placement Routing Design Entry Synthesis Logic Optimization Placement Packing LUTs to CLBs Mapping to k-LUT Routing Simulation Download to FPGA
Placement – Find home for CLBs.
Problem define Assign position(X, Y) to modules; Placement to minimize: total wirelength; critical path wirelength; a combination of them. Estimated model: Circuit quality is determined by placement + routing; Routing is a NP-hard problem. NP-hard problem. (n!) Time is a big issue. Quality and time tradeoff.
circuit before placement
circuit after placement
Heuristic method Constructive methods: Iterative improvement: Partitioning method: min-cut; Clustering. Iterative improvement: Begin with a random or constructive placement; Iterate to improve it; Force directed method; Simulated annealing. Other method: Genetic algorithm;
Minimize cuts during partition Min-Cut Minimize cuts during partition
Force directed method Classical mechanics; Using Hooke’s law; Force vector computed on each module corresponding to all nets connections; Solve a set of non-linear differential equations. force
Simulated annealing Generates best results; (industry standard) Run time is a issue. Model a physical annealing process. VPR placer (placement tools available to us, developed in UoT).
Physical Annealing Take a metal and heat to high temperature until liquidized; Allow it to cool slowly, metal is annealed to a low temperature; Atoms in the metal are at transfer from high energy states to low energy states; Can accept “bad” moves to get global minima. Avoid getting trapped in local minima.
Routing-Find the path Maze routing; Pathfinder.
Routing Resource Connection Block Switch Block
Typical Connection
Maze router
Pathfinder router Based on maze router; Shows very high quality results; Negotiation-based router; Each net negotiates the use of shared resources with other nets until none of the resources are shared; Extra weights are added to shared resources. VPR router; Original pathfinder is first developed at the University of Washington. Modification pathfinder(VPR)
Placement + Routing
Design Entry The description of a logic circuit can be entered by using a schematic capture program; VHDL and Verilog interpreter.
Synthesis A circuit description such as VHDL, is first converted to a netlist of basic gates. This process called synthesis.
Logic Optimization technology independent; Improve circuit, while keep functionality correct;
Mapping to LUTs The gates then are mapped into k-input lookup tables (LUT). (most basic brick of FPGA) Chortle. (available to academic, developed in UoT) Minimize total number of LUT, Basic xilinx tech mapping tools follow chortle with modification to handle registers. Minimize delay/area. Largely a solved problem.
Packing LUTs into CLBs Configurable Logic Block (CLB); Grouping the LUTs into CLBs; Simi liar to circuit clustering. Vpack. (available to academic, developed in UoT) Optimize LUT connections Seed BLE, Select next BLE-> shares most inputs and outputs Continue, until cluster full. Hill climbing
Placement Placement is to determining the physical location of each CLBs on the FPGA;
Routing Realize connections among the CLBs by selecting routing resource. wire segments and; routing switches.
Simulation After placement and routing, the implemented design is simulated to ensure its functioning and to verify the timing issues. Design errors can be found and corrected at this stage.
Download bits file to FPGA Once all the necessary steps are completed for implementing the design, the CAD system can download the result to the programming unit that is used to configure the FPGA; After this stage, the programmable device is configured and ready for use.